Heavy use folder for a friend

Jan 29, 2000
I have a friend who is looking at a hard use, utility style knife. He wants it to be sturdy and durable, and fairly easy to maintain. The blade length needs to be in the 3.5-4 inch are, no larger than 4 for legal reasons. He is willing to spend up to 90 bucks. Obviously, one-hand opening and reversible pocket clip are definitely desireables.

Thanks a bunch.

For 100 shipped he can get the Buck Strider folder that cpirtle is selling in the for sale forums.

A "used" REKAT Pioneer wouldn't be a bad choice, either. For something a little smaller and lighter, the Spyderco Native is a nice folder.
CS Voyager or maybe one of the new line recently introduce by CS with a new type of locking mechanism (sorry, haven't handled one yet). These are excellent users.
HArd use utility knife?

Buck Strider
Spyderco Chinook
Emerson CQC-7A
Spyderco Wegner
Benchmade AFCK
Outdoor Edge Magna

Since you're friend is looking to spend no more than 90 dollars, I would probably recommend the Outdoor Edge Magna with aluminium handle.
Thanks for the plug Jefroman, incidentally, I also have all of the Cold Steels mentioned here in the For Sale area as well.

Any of these would be great. I would also suggest the REKAT Carnivore, Chinook :) or any of the larger Syderco's.

Good luck!
Take a look at the CRKT folders at Smoky Mountain Knife Works, especially the discontinued "Commander Series". Buy a couple of models. Decent, solidly-made knives and so cheap he won't mind them getting beaten up.
For under $90.00, I would look at the Timberline Wortec. I was pretty impressed with the sturdiness of the knife.
If you want the epitome of tough, go for the Strider. The full size or the mini. Great folders!
Don't dip into the beer money or anything, but maybe skip a couploe of meals and get the Buck-Strider.