Help - best clippers for self-haircut?

Sep 4, 2004
I'd like a good set of clippers or whatever to give myself close crewcuts, maybe 1/8" to 1/4" length .... pretty short so that I don't have to mess around so much with trying to taper the back and sides working with two mirrors. Also I have a couple moles on my head that barbers sometimes tend to nick so I want something with a good guard that can still get close.

Appreciate any suggestions. BTW I found a thread where someone recommended the Wahl Senior clippers, anyone know if the attachments with these allow the kind of cut I'm after?
I've used Norelco brand ones with some success. The only Issue I've encountered with them is that you have to get your hair pretty short before they're really usefull. These were only medium duty, so they weren't quite the experience Barbershop clippers would give you, but for the price they were pretty good (I think like $35, with 4-5 attachments).
Thanks, slugfast. In my mind it's kind of between Norelco and Wahl anyway, and since I've used a Norelco razor for years, well....

Since it looks like my company is sending someplace in a couple months where I really, really don't want to be going to a barber, but am going to have to look neat, I've got to come up with something I can depend on. Will check out the Norelcos.
Dog of War,

Either way, Id reccomend letting someone else cut your hair with your trimmers, as they tend to get a closer cut/more accurate cut on the first pass than if you did it freehand.

I found that out by f'ing up my hair the 2nd time I did it, and having to go almost skin tight
That's what I'm worried about. Couple years ago when working in the same country I got a bad infection from a cut I got at a barber's, and the haircuts were lousy to boot ..... plus just not a good place for Americans to be out in public anyway.

I hate it when stupid details like this become a big deal. Appreciate the insight, slugfast, I'll see if maybe I can line up a haircutting partner.
I've been using clippers for self-haircuts for about 7 years now. I bought a cheap Conair set ($14.99) at Target that's lasted all this time. When I started I used a combination of clippers to get a tapered look but now I just use the old No.2 all the way around. If you've regularly had your haircut with trimmers at a barbershop you should be able to get the hang of flying solo pretty easily.
I've been using clippers without the guard to trim the hair on my head for almost 15 years now. I have a couple of moles, and being careful around them haven't nicked 'em yet with the clippers, unlike I do with the rare times I actually shave my head with a razor. I usually used the standard $20 Wahl which lasted me for a few years at about 1 clipping a week. For the last three years I've used a Remington Precision MB40 Beard Trimmer that works just fine on my head. It's rechargeable and came with an adjustable guard which is also removeable. I bought it at wallyworld while out on the road when I was a trucker, so I could trim my hair while I was in the truck and gone from home 3-4 weeks at a time. I can get about 3 trims out of it without a recharge. It also has a ceramic blade, so you don't have to oil it like the regular steel blade clippers.

The Remington MB-10 runs off of AA batteries, which might be a bonus if you're not around an outlet.
Appreciate all the advice, this is all new to me ..... feeling a little more encouraged now. Glad to know there are other brands that give good service, and that the moles may not be such a problem.

I'm sure the pucker factor will still be pretty high the first time, though. :)
I use a Wahl set that I bought from Walmart. It's about $20. Not bad considering that I cut my hair pretty much every week. The way I see it I'm saving $2500 if this set last five years. I could buy a few knives with that money.

Don't feel bad about messing up your haircut. It happens to everyone eventually. I just messed up my hair a couple of weeks ago and had to go guardless because my fade went up too high. Good thing it's temporary. Hair grows about 1/8" a week, so I should be good to go in another month.