Help Mike and Jeff: A How To

Jan 19, 2004
Guys, please continue to keep up the pressure on Ontario--write letters, emails, spread the word, copy and post these threads on other forums, etc. If your a dealer, return your stock or cancel future orders.

Ontario has made a lot of money off Jeff and Mike and now they're trying to destroy them while simultaneously continuing to use their names to make a profit to fund their attempt at putting them out of business. That just ain't cricket. They need to do the right thing.

If you got a loved one or friend in the military, law enforcement or firefighter, buy them an RC-3 or RC-4 this week cause: 1. They'll love it 2. The proceeds go to help Jeff and Mike fight this nonsense. 3. It may very well save their life 4. They're in public service and deserve it and 4. It'll make you feel good that you helped so many people; you'll be a hero, doing your part.