help needed - keeping brass looking new


May 7, 2000
I have a few Randalls with scalloped brass collar that I want to keep looking new. I have several polishes - what I'm looking for is something that helps delay the need to use polish. Any hints are appreciated!

Thanks Mike,

I have Renaissance Wax and I've used it on brass. It's a good choice I agree. It may have delayed the tarnish, but I was looking for something longer lasting. I heard of applying a clear coat of some type and would like to find out more about it.

I've used a little of everything on brass on my RAndalls....just clean it up and use some sort of wax and that's about all I'd recommend....of course, some purists would suggest never cleaning the brass and letting the "patina" take over....who knows? I clean mine about once a year.....give or take....

The one's I have on display in shadow-boxes are more "air tight" and don't require cleaning as frequently
Hi Bill,

I agree with just polishing the brass and then waxing it. I've tried clear coatings over the years on boat related things, using nail polish and clear sprays. You may delay the tarnishing some, but when it comes time to polish it again, you'll have a tough time getting the coating off.

I've found MAAS Polish to be best. It is fast and does a mirror finish. Then the Ren wax. I have "Curator's Wax" from the gun people at the American Historical Foundation. I'll never coat brass with anything else again.

Hope this helps some.

Guys, I really appreciate the excellent suggestions. I took your advice and spent part of the weekend using Renaissance Wax on my brass Randalls and other brass knives.

Ev, where can I find MAAS polish? I'm not familiar with it and would like to try it.
