Help Needed - molle pouch for factory Blackbird SK5 sheath


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
Mods / Members,

Are you aware of a molle pouch that will fit on the front of the factory SK5 sheath that is a good size and a color match ?

If not, is there a way to contact the factory sheath manufacturer ?

any ideas would be appreciated

Thanks :)
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Hi Burban,

I'll take a walk around the factory tomorrow to see if I can find anything that we might have, but I don't know of one offhand that will fit. The designer of the SK5 is Paul Scheiter of Hedgehog Leatherworks. They may have something, but they are a top end sheath maker, so naturally they ask for top end prices. I really don't know of any other 3rd party pieces that might work, but that is not to say they aren't out there.
Maybe a molle pistol mag or grenade pouch of some sort.

My wife enjoys the Creek Stewart show on Weather Channel, so I wanted to get something that looked half way decent for her "rig".
It doesn't look like we have anything that will make a good match. If we hear of anything though, we'll keep you in mind.
Wasn't the SK5 sheath made by Eagle Industries?

They might have something that would fit. Shoot 'em an email.