Here Are the Questions..Post Answers Here

Feb 5, 1999
Is everybody ready? Got your thinking caps on? A-w-a-y we go.....

1. Year released and Model Name of the first knife to hold the Spyderco name?

2. Elevation of the city that Spyderco is in? (within 100 feet either way)

3. Top Selling 2 knives?

4. Name 6 US Made Spyderco knives, past or present?

5. Sal Glesser's wife name?

6. Who is Fred Perrin's Military Review dedicated to?

7. How many tools does the SpydeRench have?

8. What does the C stand for in our model numbers?

Ok, there ya go...have fun..good luck!

OK...OK...I give up!!!

[This message has been edited by Jackyl (edited 16 April 1999).]
On question #2, how specific do we have to be? Is a model name OK, or do you want to know the edge type or model number or what?
I assume you mean question #1....

The answer should be model number and name, like this:
C35 "Q" No more specific than that....

1. 1981,worker c01
2. 5600ft
3. Delica and Endura
4. c50,15,19,23,24,25,55
5. Gail
6. " our Missing Brothers"
7.Tools included - slip joint pliers, crescent wrench, diamond coated
file, screwdriver bits (#2 and #3 Phillips, #2 and #1 flathead) double
ended extension drive bit included.
8. Clipit
1. 1981,worker c01
2. 5600ft
3. Delica and Endura
4. c50,15,19,23,24,25,55
5. Gail
6. " our Missing Brothers"
7.Tools included - slip joint pliers, crescent wrench, diamond coated
file, screwdriver bits (#2 and #3 Phillips, #2 and #1 flathead) double
ended extension drive bit included.
forgot to mention the knife blade***
8. Clipit
Actually I meant number 3, but here are my guesses. No fair for other people to look at my answers!

1.Model C01 introduced 1981
2.Elevation of Golden CO ~5800' (got it off the web)
3.Model C10 Endura and C11 Delica
4.c24 Black Hawk, c23 Renegade, c25 Centofante, c19 Bob T Jr,c15 Bob T (sr?), and the Military model SP36
5.Gail Glesser (couldn't find maiden name!)
6."our missing brothers" which I translate as soldiers MIA
7.8-4 screw driver bits, pliers, crescent wrench, diamond file, and blade (10 if you count the bit holder and clip
8. C is for Clipit

Keep Em Sharp

1. 1981, C01 Worker
2. 5,675 ft. above sea level at downtown.
3. Endura, Delica
4. Native, Military, Q, Standard, Police, Pre-Diver
5. Gail
6. "This review is dedicated to our missing brothers. Les meilleurs partent toujours en premier."
7. Tools included - Knife blade, slip joint pliers, crescent wrench, diamond coated file, screwdriver bits (#2 and #3 Phillips, #2 and #1 flathead) double ended extension drive bit included.
8. Clipit


My hands are cramping right now ;-) Keyboard is still smoldering...

I haven't typed that fast since typing class in high school....***flashback coming... "fingers on home row...palms up...and type paragraph one, you have .00062 seconds to complete the will be graded on your performance..." aaaaarrrggghhh...
My research came very close to Eagles answers. That tells me he got it.

Besides, now it's unfair. I could just take Eagles answers, correct the elevation of Golden a little bit to 5,675 (that's what I found), than I add the knife blade (what he forgot in the rench) leaves us with 10 tools (right?) and copy everything from him to get it complete.

Not my style...

The postings should have been invisible!

Where the heck did you find the name "Gail"?
How does that go--The quick brown fox....? Plus there was that table saw accident!
I wish I really was joking about that one!

I remembered seeing the name Gail in an older (couple of weeks) post. The web page that i found gave the elevation of downtown golden as 5800, who moved the ruler!?

Keep Em Sharp

[This message has been edited by Paul Davidson (edited 16 April 1999).]
Dammit! I'm supposed to be studying you people!
Ah well, this is more fun!

1. Year released and Model Name of the first knife to hold the Spyderco name?

C01 Worker, 1981 with the kitchen cutlery line.

2. Elevation of the city that Spyderco is in? (within 100 feet either way)

5700 ft in Golden, Colorado.

3. Top Selling 2 knives?

Zytel Endura and Delica.

4. Name 6 US Made Spyderco knives, past or present?

C15 Bob Terzuola
C19 Bob Terzuola Jr
C25 Frank Centofante
C24 Black Hawk
C23 Renegade
C36 Military

5. Sal Glesser's wife name?


6. Who is Fred Perrin's Military Review dedicated to?

"our missing brothers"

7. How many tools does the SpydeRench have?

The 10 below:
Crescent wrench
Slip-joint pliers
4 1/4 hex bits
double-end extension bit for #1 phillips
Diamond coated file
Knife blade

8. What does the C stand for in our model numbers?

The Clip!

Cheers to the lucky guys above that beat my slow typing butt, but after squandering the last couple hours, it'd be a sin NOT to post!

I think the elevation question is tough to nail down...I got my info from the "G" city web page...since it was the city page I took it to be official...but I also found 4 other sites with 4 other answers.
I think the elevation question is tough to nail downtown...I got my info from the "G" city web page...since it was the city page I took it to be official...but I also found 4 other sites with 4 other answers.
1.1981 worker
2.5675 ft
3. delica, endura
6.our missing brothers
7. 9

Ron Knight

Yeah I'm crazy, but what do you want me to do about it

[This message has been edited by RKnight (edited 16 April 1999).]
OK, you guys MUST have been closer to Golden for these response times!

Ralf, the name Gail came from an older post where Sal described the origins of Spyderco.

My answers are the same as the ones above, however, I would have to agree with Paul's answers the most.

I fully agree with Ralf's comments on the posts being invisible! If poor Eagle has the slightest error, others may just have an extra advantage...

Anyway, I've posted (too late, alas!!) just to say that at LEAST one South African is still awake and playing along in the garden of the SpyderNutHouse...
Since the elevation of Golden appears to be in question and Eagle and I both posted our complete answers at the exact same time (3:09) can we share custody of the Military? lol Can I at least have a pink ladybug for coming in second?
