Hey Normark -- How's Wyatt Doin' ?

Apr 5, 2001
So I saw Eric's post; I thought we all might like an update on young master Wyatt's progess.

Here's the story, Eric's (Normark) young son faced a challenging surgery awhile back. Many good folks on the forums posted well wishes and prayers. I'd like to believe that the support had a helping hand in young Wyatt's recovery.

Eric if you don't mind how about a new pic, before he get's old enough to start making sheath's :)

Yeah, Eric. Update!
Been meaning to ask you, too. He's still on our prayer list, and I hope you've got some good news for us.
Hey Guys..

Thanks much for the thread...

The support from BF.com members had a definate inpact on his recovery...

As a matter of fact as we read all of these messages it put my wife and I into a Completely different mindset as we left for the hospital..

It was emotionally uplifting to read the support and Many personal e-mails from Buuseheads and knife knutts in general that went through similar experiences..

A week after Wyatt's surgery he was back to being himself..Now he's back to being out of control..:)No ill effects from the surgery,,a Complete success and running at about 110%.

Thanks much guys,, We appreciate the thoughts as usual..:)

Too early to tell yet,,but with the right prompts from dad I think he's a possible candidate to be a knife knutt and possibly a sheathmaker..:) :)

Thank guys..:)



Glad to hear your son has made it through with a full recovery! (There is power in prayer!)


David Roberson
Vice President, Sales
Busse Combat Knife Company

PS We have a 5 month old named Wyatt as well.
Originally posted by David Roberson

Glad to hear your son has made it through with a full recovery! (There is power in prayer!)

"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst. [Matthew 18:20]

God knew about there internet long before Al Gore!

Eric, It's great that everything went and is going well.
Jennifer and I are so glad to here that you and your family are doing well.

Sounds like your son will be designing an "inside the diaper baby bottle carrying system" in the near future. You might want to approach Gerber with the idea. . . .Then you could both be making kydex for Gerber. . . errrr. . . different Gerbers. . . but nonetheless, Gerber. ;)

Jerry and Jennifer Busse