Highlighting of topics with new Posts

Mar 9, 2000
Just wondering, What turns off the highlighting of topics with new posts? It seems to be working TOO good, as they are turned off even if I do not click on the " Go to first unread post" button. Also, I've changed forums, and they show no unread posts, even if it is the first time I've visited the forum today (and I saw last poster info indicating that a post was made today). :confused:

P.S. I mainly visit the Community(Community, Political, W&C) and Exchange(G,B&U)
Your post is contradictory. New posts are labeled as such during starting at the time that you log into the forums. As long as you stay active & don't read that thread, it will be labeled as new.

15 minutes after your last activity (if you stop using the forum), your cookie will expire. At that point, the "new posts" will reset to the next time you are active on the forums.
That explains it... sometimes (if the thread is a long one) it may take me 15 minutes or more to read thru it! then all the other "new" posts are no longer new. It was disconcerting, because I knew I hadn't read them. :)
There's a way to avoid that problem -- open each thread in a new window. That's a better way to read forums anyway since you don't have to wait for a thread to load before you read it, and then wait for the thread list to load before you can go to a new thread.

Open three or so threads at once, each in a new window, and no matter how long it takes you to read them you'll still have the original forum window open so after you've read the first three you can open another three threads.