Hill Pearce dagger !


Enjoying the discussions
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 8, 2001

Some of you may remember my older posting about a fighter—a ‘Mediterranean dirk’ that was made by an obscure and non-current maker. His name is Hill Pearce, and I don’t believe he has been heard from since the very early ‘90’s.

Since then, I have kept my eye out for any of his work—which is very distinctive in style. The blades of his reknown are mostly reproductions of very old fancy knives. I was told there was pictures of his work in the Knives Annuals ‘82/’83/’84, so one of the TKLC listers was so very kind to loan me these annuals to browse. I am very grateful to him for this opportunity, and here’s why:

After immersing myself in ALL of the fine knives that were made back then, I had a couple of Hill’s knife images stuck in my head. (Notice I caught myself from simply saying his ‘knives’...;)) Then the latest A.G. Russell’s ‘Cutting Edge’ catalog came out last week. There it was on page 25, a near EXACT copy of the knife displayed on page 121 of Knives ’84. But....... here’s how it read:

"Pickering -- 8 3/8” Persian style blade, carved ivory scales, damascus blade, hilt, and bolsters, fileworked tang, ¼” stock, nickel silver liners with filework, cracks at pins, no sheath, nice piece. $ xxx.xx"

The maker’s name was listed as ‘Pickering’. There is another of his knives listed in CE on the previous page, which looks nothing like it. I was certain this was the real thing, and since Pearce’s mark is a small script ‘P’, I figured they or the previous owner didn’t even KNOW who’s knife it was! ‘Pickering’ seemed like a credible choice. The knife was pricey, but not out of control. I have never encountered his work elsewhere, so this was my only chance. CE also has a 14-day return policy which kept me somewhat secure. I decided to take a chance and order it that night. If I really wanted this maker’s work I would have to jump on it.

It arrived quickly and upon opening it I had one of those ‘HOLY **** ’ moments! This knife was much nicer than I was anticipating. Oh, and is it a Hill Pearce knife? YOU BET! The quality of his work is astounding. Here, take a look for yourself:


I took some time taking this composite shot of the knife, and I gotta tell you, I am VERY happy with this purchase. There is certainly some cared-for cracks in the tail of the handle around the pins, but this is characteristic of real ivory. It seems to be a very fragile material. Nonetheless, for me, it hasn’t diminished the appeal of this knife at all.

The filework is simply unbelievable, and the shape of the blade and it’s composition are truly outstanding. There is some real time-consuming work performed in this knife, and I can only imagine what a current maker of this caliber would charge for this piece.

Here’s a shot of my other Pearce knife for a side-by-side look:


So, it seems my collection is finding quite a following of Daggers. I’m pleased to share this story and pics with you folks.

This isn't a knife that would appeal to most BladeForums members (you guys are HARDCORE! ;)) but it works for me!

As always, comments welcome and recommended!

A couple of very nice knives. As you stated, they are not really to my liking, but they are beautifully done.
AAAaaaarrrgghhh. :(

If it isn't one lousy photo hosting site it's another. A number of people have responded to me privately telling me "there's no pic!" Stupid WebShots just 'upgraded' their servers. Right.

Here's the direct links:

Ivory Dagger

Both my Pearce knives

If this fails and you're STILL interested, email me and I'll attach them. (200k attachment only)Coop's direct email

It must have 'mature' content and you are underage, Tom... (or underminded) :p

I can't figure it out. The stupid WebShots site has bailed on me now. Whatever.... :barf:

I found another hosting site for my pic. The WebShot's site is now a 'DUD'.:barf:

Sorry for the disappointments....


Whenever I see a post by you that includes pics it is definitely worth the click! You certainly have stellar taste in bladeware. They are gorgeous. As far as possessing an intimate amount of detail, you are correct. I can easily see how one could pic up either one of those knives and just look for hours, always finding something new. While I don't yet have anything with near that much finish work (quality or quantity) I can't give up hope yet :) Those two would make a worthwhile collection in themselves. Thanks for sharing!
I love the style, the workmanship, the whole knives!
Extraordinary good pictures too :)

Thanks for showing.