Holiday WIlderness Wish List: What Outdoor Gear or Learning Materials?

Brian Jones

Jan 17, 1999
So, now that we're into the various holidays, what are the Wilderness wish lists of the forum's members? It can be gear (including a knife of course), books, or videos, or any other items related to survival...

--For me, a new internal frame pack would be "vonderful,"

--all of the knives made by Rob Simonich

--a gift certificate to Greg's Simply Survival School

--a gift certificate for all of Ron's videos

--a trip to the Amazon (Okay, it's not gear but I'll learn there!

Who else???


ANEW/Simply Survival's e-commerce is now operational.

Authographed copies of my book can be purchased on line (you can also get metal matches and shirts).

Members of this forum can receive a 10% discount on all get this simply add the intials BF after your name (we'll make the adjustment here)

Example: Name: Greg Davenport, BF

If you buy a book and want the autograph addressed to someone else...send an email and tell me who.

Merry Xmas

I'll put my wish list up later :>)

Greg Davenport
Are You Ready For The Challenge?
Are You Ready To Learn The Art Of Wilderness Survival?

My "wish" list could get rather large and expensive!

Let's suffice it to say I'd 'want' lighter more compact versions of all my gear!

I've asked for some books already and hope to get Greg's in my stocking!!!

I would really like to be given a set of Ron's videos! After hearing all the good things about them here and at his forums!

After that I forgot the most important thing! A set of gear for my son...He's a few years from being able to use any of it, but better too soon than too late!

Plainsman :)

Dear Santa....

Gaitors. Mine disappeared in the three moves I made this summer, and my XC ski boots are substantially lower than the amount I sink into fresh powder...

A Filson Double Mackinaw. I think I could trade my car in and just about get enough for one of these guys...

Another bottle of Laphroaig. So it isn't wilderness gear. Mine's still almost empty...

A nice headlamp. For those midnight XC ski trips not lit by the Solstice Full Moon.

A few more metal matches. I liked the idea of a survival instructor I met, who had three stored about himself, plus the one he pulled out of his pack for the demonstration.

A snowmachine. SO it would get me into more trouble than it would get me out of... So what?

Stryver, You asked....
1. To be able to run 5 days a week 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours each time without leg or back pain.

2. Custom made knives

3. Birch Bark (not in my area)

4. Yucca stalks (not in my area)

5. bamboo stalks (not in my area)

Greg Davenport
Are You Ready For The Challenge?
Are You Ready To Learn The Art Of Wilderness Survival?

Ohhhhhhh I hope my wife is reading.....

1. Any of the dozens of knives I have seen and said "I need that!!".
2. Gregs survival book I hear so much about.
3. Son of a Trackless Forest - Mark A. Baker
4. .54 caliber Jaeger rifle kit
5. New canvas French and Indian War Style Haversack (mine is a bit worse for the wear)
6. One of those neat new sports bottles with the attached filter.
7. Another pair of Dog Paws boots, the ones I have are great and I would like to keep a pair in the truck.
8. Mark A. Baker's latest longhunter tape
9. Tritium Lensatic Compass, lost mine
10. A vacation from work so I could accept the offer made to us of the discount on the training session.


LIfe is too important to be taken seriously. Oscar Wilde
Cool -- I've directed my girlfriend to pop in here and look at my wish list...
Someone to carry all of my gear forme,make camp, wash dishes and rub my feet. I'll cook,forage and tell tall tails. Most of the gear I have is dated but top rate. I finally got a Gortex suit this year. Too many knives,axes,machetes to carry at one time.

O' and some time and money to get out in the bush again.

May God Bless you and keep you and yours from harm.


Guns are for show. Knifes are for Pros.
My requests are simply exteme: please advise 1) Detonics .45 ,Combat Master or ROBAR.
2) Simonich SRT ,Talonite BigBellyBowie.
3) Hoods Woods Mekong Fishing Trip 2000.
4) Xena (properly trained by Karen Hood).

ALT: Steyr AUG
Can you assist?>>> Jason