Hollow grind - blended on finish

Feb 12, 2024
I hollow ground 1084…. Very close to spine … but a definite flat above the hollow….
After hardening I used slack belt to take from 120 grit before hardening… to 200.. then 300 and finally 400…. As I finished her out I blended the upper part of the hollow grind with the spine flat…. So now there is no grind line… knife is very sharp and looks great. But seems most makers don’t blend the upper grind line…. Is it still considered a hollow grind???? Is this non typical???? Are there any drawbacks to this method??????
Yeah, mate, I would most definitely say that it's a hollow grind if I understand you correctly. Just sounds like you wanted a crisp grind line up close to the spine, but ended up rounding it off. I think most makers would much prefer that sharp grind transition from hollow to the flat, but I know I've accidentally rounded off grind lines before! As for drawbacks, not really, other than the more pleasing aesthetic of a sharp "shinogi".