How about a Spyderco-SAK collaboration?

Jun 18, 2000
I had mentioned (half jokingly) a SAK with a Spyderco thumb-hole and a clip on the Wilderness forum, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea.

I can picture a Spyderco-Victorinox collaboration: red FRN, locking main blade, can opener/screwdriver, bottle opener/screwdriver, awl/reamer, and pocket-clip (same tools as the Vic Soldier but with a larger main blade).

What do you guys think?
Geez, Allen, I LOVE the idea!

Personally, I prefer my SAKs with the checkered aluminum scales. If Sal would make this in blue aluminum, I'd be in heaven.

Heck, if it gets made in any color, I'd buy it. I think the world's ready for a one-hander SAK!

What kind of lock? I'd prefer back lock or the SAK "sidelock."

I wonder if Victorinox would go for it?

I will buy one of them as soon as it's out!!
Here in europe,the only knife socially accepted is a SAK.this means that when a "non knife educated person"goes shopping for a knife,he will end with either a Victorinox or a Wenger.Let's give them a chance to experience the benefits of Spydie innovations and maybe we will change their minds. For me it will be the opportunity to have a spydie that will not scare people out there.....

Just the other day, I had my Victorinox SwissChamp in my left hand and my Calypso Jr in my right hand, and was thinking: "you know, the perfect tool would be a merger of both of these". The SwissChamp has a great toolset and awesome workmanship, but would really rock with a one hand opening ATS-55 blade!!! Plus the fact that we're dealing with 2 tremendous companies, this would be a match made in Heaven!

I'll take 2 of them, please!!!

I expressed this same idea a while ago, and was laughed/ignored off the forums. Funny how times change. I think it would really open up the one-hand market to non-knuts, and would be a sleeper SD tool. the one problem would be the hump or cutout necessary for the hole. Hate to say it in the Spyderco forum, but a stud might be the way to go on this application.
Forshame, RH!

Just have the main blade shaped like an SAK Gunting or Khalsa. The bottle and can opener/screwdrivers and punch or corkscrew features would fit in around it okay, IMO.

Optimistically multifeatured,


If we can get this idea off the ground, can a Spyderco Lightweight Folding Khukuri be far behind? (Almost as curvy as a Vaquero Grande, but no serrations, please!)
The more I think about AllenC's idea, the more obsessed I am becoming about it (oh, no!

If done properly, this would further "domesticate" a tactical use folder with multiuse features, with little or no disadvantages in any kind of use. Offer it with an unserrated 2 and 7/8 inch blade, a small choice of colors (red, blue, and silver?) and it may well be the perfect airline travel, go almost anywhere type knife. (And the pocket clip, too!)

Victorinox "sidelock button" or backlock? Can it be done (collaboration, mechanics, etc.) at a reasonable price?

Hey, Sal Glesser might know!


PS: Sal, combining peanut butter and chocolate worked pretty well! Why not a one-hand opening (preferably with the hole, THE HOLE!!) SAK?

PSS: Okay, I'll even buy one with a darn LINERLOCK!! Now I'm REALLY showing my obsession...

[This message has been edited by Safety Guy (edited 05-05-2001).]
It would have to have the HOLE!
Anyone can add thumb-studs to a blade, but it takes Spyder-Engineering to make the hole work! And don't forget the CLIP.

I would love metal handles too but I think the FRN would cut down on the weight.
I also think the side-button lock, like on the large lock-blade SAKs, would work just fine. I could even live with a liner-lock.

Could the new Compression-Lock work?
That would really be awesome: a Spyder-SAK with thumb-hole, clip, and Compression-Lock!!!
I gotta say it - the Gunting and Khalsa blades are ugh-ly ! The idea I'm trying to get across is something that looks like a normal red SAK, but works slicker. So the average person wouldn't even notice the stud, and it would look just like any other SAK (plus a clip, of course). A huge hump would just not fit with the design.

Ok, OK, maybe I'm being a little harsh. maybe a small, Dyad-like hole would work.

Kershaw is doing two-blade trappers with AUS6, traditional shaped locking blades, and small studs. They look real nice.

I'm thinking a regular red SAK handle, with a small cutout for the stud, and a leaf lock like on the old cub/boy scout camping knives.
One way to use SAK ideas on a Spyderco without changes Spydercos lines too much would be to add Tweezers and a combination finger nail file/screwdriver to fit into holes at the bottom of the handle. I think a file/screwdriver would be money useful and hygenic than a toothpick and it would be pretty easy to make, just a file with a sturdy square tip.
Guntings and Khalsas ugly? That's what a lot of people said about Glocks! Beauty is as beauty does!

How would anyone identify a Spyderco/SAK from afar without the hole?
It would look too much like a regular SAK. And it wouldn't have the BEAUTIFUL hole! With the BEAUTIFUL large HUMP!

So beautiful, yet dignified. So beautiful, yet useful. get the idea.

I'm obsessed. And it would be a welcome addition to my Spydie family: Old Endura Daddy, pink Delica Mommy, and little baby LadyBug.
An big ol uglieicious, useful as heck, Grandpa SAK with the HOLE!!

Holely obsessively,
Okay, everybody, this'll be the last time I harp on this subject! I know Sal's online right now, so maybe he will see and comment.



Karl the stubborn Spydie/SAK promoting guy.
How about a run of Dyads, with a good saw blade, instead of the serrated blade. This would require minimum retooling.

I particularly like those "shark tooth" style Japanese pruning saw blades. Of course while I am dreaming, perhaps an alternative would be a universal holder for jig saw blades as a second blade. Sure, another company uses this idea, but so do all jig saws. Let's see, perhaps the holder, with a stud to go throught the blade hole, and a slide that slides up the open side to lock the blade in place.

Or to get an even easier design. Good one bladed knife, with slot in handle to hold a jig saw blade. Hold it in with a pin of some type. To use pull out the pin, reverse the RemGrit jig saw blade so it protrudes and reinsert the pin to hold the blade in place (or perhaps a slide in the handle). You would be ready to cut nearly anything.
I'm more intrigued by Donald's idea than the others. But, I would recommend changing the blade shape on the plain edge, to something more similar to the Endura, and making it a bit thicker. I'd guess that a toothpick and tweezers could be somehow located in the handle. I would just like to see a good strong knife that would be truly useful in a survival situation, that didn't say Boy Scout on it.

Asi es la vida

Interesting notion, but not very realistic.

For Spyderco to make a SAK that performed like a Spyderco, it would have to cost 3 times as much as a SAK. I don't think we'd sell very many.

To make it cheap, it won't perform at our level, might as well buy a Vicotinox or a Wenger SAK, or one of the "hundreds" of copies already going after their market.


[This message has been edited by Sal Glesser (edited 05-16-2001).]
Have to agree with Sal. It really doesn't fit his busines model. I joined the discussion because I like the idea, not that it's necessarily a good idea for Spyderco.

The lowest entry barrier would be for Wegner or Vic'nox to add a model to it's line, using it's preexisting delivery channels.

The Rucksack model would be a natural, and it would even work with the smaller Tinker size models. Leave them mostly as-is, just add:

- a clip
- a stud
- a stud cutout
- a lock (leaf lock would be fine)
- maybe a different blade shape and/or steel (drop point, AUS or ATS steel.)