Very, very part time. I think I'll complete about 10 knives this year. My plan is to accumulate skills and tools over the next 11 years until I can retire, then do what I love. I've been fortunate to sell everything I've made, usually $90 - $150. I have a ways to go before I'll be making those $800 knives! Aside from tools, which suck up a lot of our money, there's supplies...belts, steel, handle materials, epoxy, drill bits... I bet I've spent $250 the last couple weeks on supplies, and still need steel! But so far, and I know I'm blessed, I'm always working on ordered knives. There's a knife dealer who buys some, others go to coworkers etc. My next two big plans are rent a welder so I can finish off my freon tank forge to start doing my own HT, and get a 9" disk sander and start dovetailing bolsters. I learn something new everytime I come to this forum and every time I spend a day in my shop. It's fantastic!