How now brown cow?

Aug 30, 2001
Hey Shelby,
Alright now....don't MAKE me open the safe and get my camera out!!:D Nice shot of your prayer alter!! Seriously, you've got some great SF products if my package would show up in the mail I might be able to play.
Take Care,

Arizonagunrunners :) But the truth of the matter is that SureFires come with batteries and I don't use all these lights as frequent as I do my favorite ones which I do change batteries on a regularbasis. One of my M6's had only been through one battery change in the last two years. I can only use one of them. One of my M2's had been through 5 battery changes.

Man Shelby, So what started the SureFire fetish? I have a couple and thought that was enough. I definetly have more Glocks and Striders than SureFires. Do you buy most of them from AZ Gunrunners? They seem to be the cheapest at the gun shows here....KJ

Well, it's a combination of things. I buy from AGR and I also get stuff sent to me from SureFire to photograph as well as field test.

Shelby,how cool is that. If you ever need help "testing" I would be happy to beat the crap out of a few of them for you!:D..KJ
Dagnabit........why'd you have to go and do that. Thats why I stay away from catalogs. My safe is allready full, no more toys.

note to self; I don't need a super cool surefire.

Nice stuff AO,

:( That's not fair! I can't even afford a dig camera. Everytime I get a little cash, I blow it on a blade...Can I worship at your alter?;)
Definitely, cool looking, but I doubt it's a realy G18 considering NY's stringent laws :(

Stringent is right my friend! It is an airsoft. The other is an airpistol.
Being in Brooklyn, carrying the AR could probably land me in Jail as it is heheh but I don't care. It's for an AR. I think the AD is fine though on the streets of NY.

We have a friend named john Willis who could really do a lot with a collection like that!
Sorry guys, little inside joke here.
Duane Dwyer
I hope you have a safe in NY Shelby. Anywhere for that matter. I have Liberty 45 thats full of goodies. When I get a good camera I hope to post them. Now stop the killer photos. My safe is full enough as it is.:) Just kidding, your photos are just what I need for a Surefire fix. Still haven't broke down and bought one yet.



**"Broads lying in ponds passing out swords is no basis for a stable form of government."**

Being in NYC, not only do I have a safe, I also have a camera system and a ferocious landlord because my place got burglarized once before. My safe is well over 200lbs, bolted into a structural beam tucked away behind a dead bolted metal door claded closet. Since I am an architect, I might as well put some of the brainwash to use.

How's this for a fix:






