Photos How Well Do We Know Our ABC's? (Traditional Version)

Can you post the tang bigger, or tell us what it says, eisman?? (we trust you!):cool:
Nice Whittler!!:)
Those are really neat. Is that sort of a locking back spring as in you have to pull up on it or just a different version of a slip joint?
I have one like the Middle one . The Top run of wire is turned 180 degrees , where it meets the blade , and goes back to the right . There is no Lock to it at all . They are very neat knives . A bare minimum of material .

OMG!!! Non-traditional!!!:eek: A Fox in the hen-house!!!:eek: Years in the bacK of a drawer! 2nd time out of the box!!:D
Kershaw LEEK ZDP-189!!! One-a them fancy steels. TaKe me bacK to my traditionals!!!:cool: Gimme carbon steel!!!
Kershaw ZDP 1.jpg Kershaw ZDP 2.jpg Kershaw ZDP 3.jpg Kershaw ZDP 4.jpg
Ka-Bars in Delrin: