Howdy From Turkey


Oct 17, 2000
Hey all you dudes at Strider. Happy holidays from Turkey. When is the knife show in Feb exactly? Everything coming along with the few toys on order. Any wants from Turkey? Let me know and I'll see what I can do. Look forward to seeing you at Gordon Biersche again. Talk to you later.

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"
Hey Ryan,
3 guys from my Air Guard unit (123rd SFS) are arriving there on the 23rd. We rotate people in over there for Northern Watch pretty often. I'm planning to go myself sometime next year. Watch your butt!
Merry Christmas.

Hey Ryan-be careful over there, remember we got a BBQ set up for FEB. Who knows, maybe if I get some of that funny brown beer the guys seem to like to go with the steaks, I can get them to drive up? Have a good Christmas.-Nyeti

He who advances is sure of heaven-He who retreats of eternal damnation.
Any of them ladies!?!?

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"
DUDE!!!!!!!!! hey mick, the vegas guy NEVER emailed me back.....stuck my finger in the bandsaw today.....ouch.......typing with one hand.
Take it easy Tom... Jeeze...
You guys should see Tom on the band saw. Its some sort of Jedi-saw. Tom rips through these strips of Ti like they are paper. It's crazy.

DB, Hey there! Hope all is well.

Ryan, the show is in early Feb. Not sure of the date. Be safe. (When applicable).

Tom, Ill get the office weirdos looking into the Vegas deal. We'll call really...

Happy Holidays

I know you will call me....sometime around July!!!!!!! Show is the FIRST weekend in Feb, the third or fourth or somewerehr around there.......thyping withbig gandage on middle finger if right ahdnkd.
Hay GD

Nice to see you still alive. Dont let the frontenders kill yha.

Guess what I finally got off my ass and ordered my knives hopefull to get folder #006
Just to remind my self..."dont let them kill you"

Miss you guys and the 66th. I went back in time like I thought was going to happen.

Take care, give everyone some gunnerlove from me.

HH-60 Gunner
Hey Buck, Nyeti, Strider Guys,
Thanks for the holiday wishes. I will get in contact with y'all upon return to the CONUS. Looking forward to Feb. Should be a good month.

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"
I assume from the cryptic banter between Mayo and Mick that you guys are going to be at the Vegas show? Been trying to figure if I'm going to go, but if the Strider dudes are going to be there, I'll make it happen. Gotta get me one of those Seal 2001 T-Shirts!

Terribilis est locus iste

GD say hi to everybody for me. At least let then know I haven’t lost anymore of my mind since getting stationed out here.

BTW these guys do not like the 66th.

I don’t think they like the way we acquire stuff. You know picking up stuff thats not nailed down.

HH-60 Gunner
Hey Buck,
They are the ones who stole everything in Kuwait before they left. Tell Greg White I said hello.

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"
Damn right four weeks. Trying to attach a picture here. Bear with me. If this doesn't work, someone let me know how to get a picture to show here. Ok, can't get it to work. How do you guys get a JPEG file to show up as a picture on this board?

Ryan Renuart
Aerial Gunner
"That Others May Live"
It tells you in the FAQ section... the main thing is that it must be somewhere on the net...have a url address. then just put
duck soup.. the parenthesis' are the small ones next to the "p" button...and dont leave off the / in the last fact...if you leave off ANYTHING it wont work....mostly you get a little box with an X in it!! If you hit my edit button you can look at the url for this picture.


John 1:14

[This message has been edited by tom mayo (edited 01-05-2001).]
i'm trying this for this first time and i don't really have many pictures in photopoint so excuse the non-related photo.


hope this works! if it does... thanks to tom mayo.


yeah!!! that was pretty easy, thanks tom!

*note: need a strider hanging there off my belt.

[This message has been edited by killerkain (edited 01-05-2001).]
It looks like you are shooting your buddy in the back!! I think I see Duane over in the bushes.....back there where those two leaves dont look like they belong!!

You Air Farce guys sure do practice good OPSEC. Why don't you just provide your 8 digit grid and your chain of command for us all. Hey Ryan, keep your head down and stay safe. All the guys from SOE say hello. Watch out for Tangos.


