How's Bura?

Jan 30, 2002
I'd guess Uncle Bill would say if anything dramatic was happening, but I hope that the recovery is progressing and the meds are being taken conscientiously.

Should the opportunity present itself, please give him my/our best wishes. I say a small prayer everytime I look at the cresent moon on the AK he made.

Kis, I have temporarily retired my 15" AK and the 20" Sirupati with that mark. Hopeing that he will be able to make knives again some time in the future.

Do you think he would consider such action an insult. I may have acted too hasty because I know he made the knives to work. They will certainly outlast me. They are both very efficient workers. Chopping, sliceing, or what ever. The 20" has dispatched snakes and done a lot of work around this little place of mine. Things are not going to stop growing altogether either. There will always be work for the Khuks to do.

Some one let me have a bit of feedback here.
Kis, I think if Uncle Bill would have heard anything good or bad we would probably already know about it. Bill has been pretty good about letting us know about news from Nepal.
Don't stop praying though, They may still have a little bit of a Maoist problem too.
I have two knives by Bura--a 20" sirupati which is a unfailing friendly work-horse and and a UBE which is a mystical experience to handle, let alone use.
The UBE seems to somehow hook up to your brain like something out of star-trek by just picking it up. I can't really explain or describe it. I hope that he can make more things so a few more people can experience what a good tool really is. It just seems to be an extension of yourself as soon as you pick it up. I pray that many others can experience what I'm talking about.
I have temporarily retired my 15" AK and the 20" Sirupati with that mark. Hopeing that he will be able to make knives again some time in the future. Do you think he would consider such action an insult?
I doubt if Bura would consider it an insult, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't understand it either. I recall that when Uncle tried to get Bura to make the original HI kothimoda with a thin blade, he declined on the ground that even if it was meant for show, it might have to be used someday and it should be up to the task when and if the time came. My opinion is that the best way to honor Bura and his work is to use his khuks as they were meant to be used. Just my Confederate two cents worth;)
Last I talked with Pala he told me that Bura's speech was improving. When he was released from the hospital he couldn't even talk but at least now he's speaking albeit Pala says his speech is quite slurred and hard to understand. The rest of his body is not improving as quickly as the speech but recovery from a stroke is not a quick process. I figure it will take a year or so before Bura will be able to pound steel again but I'm no doctor. But he is showing up at the shop everyday and his mind seems good so I consider this to be a positive sign.

My best guess is Bura will soon start a hands on project with some helpers and begin making knives again with only minimal physical involvement on his part -- and this can be a plus. The apprentices who work for Bura will learn some of the real secrets of the kami art. They couldn't have a better teacher. However, Bura is a tough task master and the apprentices will pay in a$$ chewing for what they learn. Nothing is free.
Good news. I guess we all need to learn patience at some time. I just hope he does get back to work pounding steel. No matter what price they have to pay the apprentice working for this master (Bura) will get their money or whatevers worth! Is Bura kind of supervising a little bit? Keeping him in our prayers.
I wish Bura the very best of health, but no man can pound hot steel forever. If he's able to teach others, his craft will live on in their hands. We were all young once, and someone had to teach Bura.

for the confederate two cents worth. I believe I would have come around to that way of thinking. I am sure he made the knives to be worked.

How are you doing in the big city? It must be because of the valley that I live in. We have been 3 to 5 degrees cooler than Austin this whole summer. Only one day we were at the same and, I think that was because of the southwest wind.

Have a good one and God Bless.:)
but my sense of Bura is that he would smile, bow his head in appreciation, keep his own counsel, and go back to making the best tools he can to be used.

I seriously doubt he considers the value WE place on them...and him.

and, probably...that's just the way things should be.


I gave my Bura 18" sirupati to my brother-in-law before any of this had happened. I don't think he uses it, but in retrospect it was probably the best one to give. If he starts making them again, I will get myself one, if not then I gave my brother-in-law a treasure. He deserves it.