I got taken again by pm2phanatic

The main question is why has PM2Phanatic PM2Phanatic been on BFC yesterday and not bothered to respond to either of the concerned buyers with an update of shipping status for their knives and blocked his profile after communication with one of the buyers.
That is why several of us are suspicious vs. giving a new seller who spends half of his time in the Exchange and just sold about a grand worth of knives and vanished the benefit of the doubt.
One or two things would be understandable i.e. the holidays, shipping delays with USPS etc. but the totality of circumstances points to either an intentional act to deceive or a seller who is so self-possessed that I would avoid dealing with them in the future without a very solid believable explanation.
And honestly if PM2Phanatic could be on BFC yesterday he could drop a line to one of the at least 5 buyers waiting for knives that they paid for.
I made a purchase, label printed 12/20. No movement re: tracking. Emailed today. A lot of smoke on this seller right now. I’ll wait and see then make a claim on G&S later on if it stay radio silent. Has anyone already put a claim on with PayPal?
Unless I'm missing something (and I went back and read everything again), only D Dominicy confirmed payment was made by PayPal Goods & Services.
Searpoint and I also both said we paid G&S previous. I guess I just assumed Hvactech did this time since he was burned once and told the difference between G&S and F&F in that thread.

Edit: grammar heh
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I don’t know the guy, not defending him. But it’s only been a week, with holidays. For all we know he could be stuck at an airport. A little early to raise so much stink (two threads, PMs to other buyers, etc.), IMHO.

Go to the police. They will laugh at you and ask you why you’re so impatient.
There are currently 4-5 people who paid for knives between last sunday and last tuesday. None of the tracking numbers show that the USPS are in possession of the knives. This is understandable with it being the holiday week and the seller possibly shipping all of the knives at once (something which should have been communicated to the buyers at some point between Sunday and Thursday IMO but I digress.)
After sending PM2Phanatic PM2Phanatic a message one of the buyers realized that he made his profile private. Red flag #1
A moderator who is able to see his profile said he was last on bladeforums not even 24 hours ago- which, if he was able to log onto bladeforums he could easily send a message that shipping is delayed for whatever reason. Red flag #2
Pm2phanatic is a relatively new member with 65 posts, nearly half of which are in the exchange selling knives. Red flag #3
The only red flag that he isnt flying right now is the demanding F&F or another payment method without the security of Paypal G&S.
Fortunately it appears that everyone paid goods and services so they have recourse in getting their money back. This still does not absolve PM2phanatic of his responsibilities to the buyers, who paid instantaneously mind you, to maintain communication if he can not ship their purchases immediately.
We are talking about several hundred dollars in knives from at least 4 people one of whom was literally robbed of $500 here earlier in the week.
Maybe it is my mistrustful nature but unless PM2phanatic has a watertight explanation for why the people who paid him their hard earned money saved for a hobby that they love do not even have a working tracking number I am leaning towards labelling him a scammer or a thief.
The fact that he hasn’t logged on since last night but has definitely been on BF since the sales does not paint him in a good light at the moment. His actions are suspect and all indicative of the textbook scammer’s MO.
There are currently 4-5 people who paid for knives between last sunday and last tuesday. None of the tracking numbers show that the USPS are in possession of the knives. This is understandable with it being the holiday week and the seller possibly shipping all of the knives at once (something which should have been communicated to the buyers at some point between Sunday and Thursday IMO but I digress.)
After sending PM2Phanatic PM2Phanatic a message one of the buyers realized that he made his profile private. Red flag #1
A moderator who is able to see his profile said he was last on bladeforums not even 24 hours ago- which, if he was able to log onto bladeforums he could easily send a message that shipping is delayed for whatever reason. Red flag #2
Pm2phanatic is a relatively new member with 65 posts, nearly half of which are in the exchange selling knives. Red flag #3
The only red flag that he isnt flying right now is the demanding F&F or another payment method without the security of Paypal G&S.
Fortunately it appears that everyone paid goods and services so they have recourse in getting their money back. This still does not absolve PM2phanatic of his responsibilities to the buyers, who paid instantaneously mind you, to maintain communication if he can not ship their purchases immediately.
We are talking about several hundred dollars in knives from at least 4 people one of whom was literally robbed of $500 here earlier in the week.
Maybe it is my mistrustful nature but unless PM2phanatic has a watertight explanation for why the people who paid him their hard earned money saved for a hobby that they love do not even have a working tracking number I am leaning towards labelling him a scammer or a thief.
The fact that he hasn’t logged on since last night but has definitely been on BF since the sales does not paint him in a good light at the moment. His actions are suspect and all indicative of the textbook scammer’s MO.

Bottom-line is the guy is either a crook, or sitting on a bunch of packages that he has yet to drop off (today?). We’ll know soon enough.

Bottom-line is the guy is either a crook, or sitting on a bunch of packages that he has yet to drop off (today?). We’ll know soon enough.

If he is a crook he is not a very good one lol
He is asking for paypal G&S. I am leaning towards another flaky seller who once they have the money they don’t care about the buyer who is waiting for their knives. Making his account private could possibly have been because he knew he was going to be very delayed in his shipping (it appears he is liquidating a small collection) and didn’t want his inbox blown up.

He was selling knives on reddit three days ago, at about the same time our members’ packages should have been arriving…

If he is a crook he has to be the dumbest scammer/thief on the planet to take money G&S knowing the sellers can simply file claims.

He reddit profile is only 26 days old for what its worth.
Still a number of ?'s about this seller, except the one -would I ever deal with him(or her), and the answer to that is no.
as things stand now-at best very inconsiderate seller, at worst a thief. Blaming the holiday or USPS holds little weight at this point. He has had plenty of time to address those issues and communicate with his buyers.
Still hoping it is the inconsiderate seller, but if it turns out to be thief, it seems most(if not all) paid G&S and after some work should be able to get their money back
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I find it hard to believe that PM2Phanatic is still active within the last 24 hours and hasn’t received the dozens of notifications and messages both here and on reddit to address the shipping issues their buyers are dealing with.

This is beyond unacceptable and I can not fathom what kind of excuse PM2Phanatic could come up with to explain this situation.

Hopefully all of the buyers waiting on their knives file paypal claims and are made whole and PM2Phanatic PM2Phanatic ‘s days here are numbered.
If he is a crook he is not a very good one lol
He is asking for paypal G&S. I am leaning towards another flaky seller who once they have the money they don’t care about the buyer who is waiting for their knives. Making his account private could possibly have been because he knew he was going to be very delayed in his shipping (it appears he is liquidating a small collection) and didn’t want his inbox blown up.

He was selling knives on reddit three days ago, at about the same time our members’ packages should have been arriving…

If he is a crook he has to be the dumbest scammer/thief on the planet to take money G&S knowing the sellers can simply file claims.

He reddit profile is only 26 days old for what its worth.
My guess he is counting on PayPal to cover his victims' losses and insure that they do not come after him legally. He probably thinks PayPal will not come after him either because he is small time. He's probably right.
Someone claiming to be the son Kyler made contact with NYUSNVET NYUSNVET today. “Kyler” claimed the dad had a heart attack and was incapacitated with multiple surgeries until today.
How could he browse BF and sell knives on reddit if this is the case?
How did he ship one knife that was received by the buyer a few days ago?
How if he could visit BF and reddit was he unable to respond to the numerous attempts to make contact?
It is convenient the day I get him banned from reddit that his “son” makes contact finally.
The time frames do not make sense. If he was incapacitated and unable to ship the knives he sold here, how was he selling knives on Reddit 5-6 days ago, one of which did arrive?
I don’t buy that story.
Any updates... knives received, money refunded, etc.?