I...*MIGHT* be at a pivotal moment in life...might....

Mar 4, 2011
You never know with David...but something tells me...maybe, just maybe, I might be turning this mess around. I am very slow to change...but something tells me, that change is a comin.... I am making, and COMPLETING works of art in sumi-e, chinese brush painting, drawing, illustration, digital, and traditional media, and of that...I am almost proud of myself.... I have established what I daringly say to be a decent first impression on a Fortune 500 company FOUNDER who has a son with the same syndrome as me, and might be getting a job under that same persons company, Specialisterne, I have eaten more vegetables in the past month than I have for the previous six months.... I did three clapping push ups, three pull ups, and 15 sit ups recently, and, strangely, I feel better instead of worse. It almost feels like, I'm very SLOWLY beginning to realize that...I CAN do this. That life is NOT some ridiculous joke you wait for people to stop laughing at hysterically, fearfully, and realize death is the only way out...because, there is more wonder and joy in this world than anyone I know can reasonably want to leave behind. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm going to make it. I WANT to live, seriously. I want to seize life by the antlers, and wrench open the oyster shells, take the pearl, and leave the Crown Jewels of the Queen herself, in its place. I want to make...a BIG difference. And it starts...now.
Just don't let me forget, guys, okay? I may randomly burst with stupid stuff alot, but I can only get better, and I believe that. Shoot me down if I come back here with a mopey attitude, okay? Knew I could count on y'all. Peace.
Is that what it sounded like? Glad you were able to translate for me. I got a totally different read on that one
Congrats, David. Seriously, my friend, if you need a place to center yourself, don't be a stranger:) You're one of us. A regular and a valued member of the fold. It sounds like you're on the right track. Commit. Don't be mopy;) I am so excited for you, bro:)
thanks for posting this david.

its great for someone in a similar boat to read that there is a way out other then going to ask the big boss personaly what the solution would have been.
Hang in there, and keep on working forward, David, no matter how small the steps. Growth and change are things most people don't always do gracefully. Seek progress, and it will come.
Thanks everyone, you all are very kind to me, and I appreciate it. Living, loving, learning, and, today, lacerations from handling some bamboo! I'll live, my mom is conveniently a nurse, and my sister a doctor....

Well, as always, be good, don't dual wield when gettin those pesky undead, don't tomb raid, or partake in dragon tipping:) we will talk again...I'm sure of it. Peace, David
David, I just got back from a trip and saw this. It's good to see you in such a good mood.

Now is always a piviot point between the past and the future. Fame and good fortune are like the passing clouds.