I need some help choosing a knife...

Daniel Koster

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
Hi Everybody!

This is my first time posting to bladeforums. Thanks in advance for any good tips/advice.

I have been wanting to do a favor for a friend for a long time. He is really into fantasy art and has several swords and daggers. I'm looking to spend under $70 on a knife that can be displayed. However, I don't want to get "just another curvy knife". Know-what-I-mean?

So, I am looking at this knife: Fang of Baelin by Kit Rae. It's made by United Cutlery.

You can see it here:


I know, I know. "It's not a work knife" and "You can't really use it".

I've used knives to do everything. From cutting down trees to skinning animals, and even to cut grass in the fields of Guatemala with a 32" double-edged machette and keep within 2 inches off the ground -- I know utility. But this friend of mine is completely opposite and prefers to display his knives, and I respect that.

Can anybody tell me if this is junk or a good knife? I don't want to be giving a cheap, fall-apart knife to a good friend.

I have handled it and it looks great and feels solid and sturdy.

Are there any other knives I should be considering?


I've handled a couple United versions of these fantasy knives and I guess they are OK for display. To me, making a useful tool look beautiful is the real trick. That's what I want to display. However, if your friend is into Klingon-looking weaponry and would enjoy displaying it, I say "why not?"

The real problem with fantasy knives is that unless you can afford a Hibben or other custom (like the breathtaking piece that won the Las Vegas show a year ago), you are pretty much limited to products similar to those offered by United. However, Paul Chen makes some decent reproductions of historic pieces that often have a bit of a fantasy look to them (and are certainly suitable for display).
Thanks for the info.

I'm curious...Do you have any information about this knife that won the Las Vegas show?

What's it like?
