ICQ user's #'s list...


anyone have an active list with the new ICQ99b version?

Someone add me, or message me. Preferably a few people, nobody on my ICQ list liked knives... =(
I'm almost always online, but not always here. I'll toss a message up stating what I'm doing...

Think I'm going to try and make an active list for ICQ for all bladefoum memebers to join. For those who don't know what it is - ICQ99B has a new feature called active lists. It's basically like a secondary list from your normal list. Most, or many people at least, have an ICQ list of people they know well or in person even, and don't want all sorts of people on their list to deal with. Well, this way you can have a list of forum members, but you can disconnect from the forum list anytime if your really busy.
Message me or reply here if interested, I'll see if I can get the software to make a list if enuff people want to try it.
and you need ICQ99b too- mandatory.

ICQ - Maneatingcow
43464005 -Krumbs