I'm here...let's Chat

Originally posted by Darkjedi2
The funny thing is that I used to keep the lightsaber in my living room with some other wall hanger swords. But one day someone decided to break-in and steal my wall hangers, a few Cold Steel folders, and two bottles of wine but left the Star Wars toy. Then, I decided I got lucky and put it in the Bank deposit.

Wow. I'll say you got lucky.

I'd keep it in the safe deposit box too, but it's highly agitating that you have to. :mad:

It's really a shame that there are some fiends out there who really make the rest of the human race look bad.

*looks at the clock*


Well, mates, it's been fun hitting my first Swamp Rat chat, but I really need to get some sleep.

Oi, time flies when you're dreaming about Eric's variants and tan colored Rats . . :D

G'night y'all.
Eric, couldn't you accidently make me an HR in Desert Tan? Think of it as a proto-type, something I could test out and gage market reaction. Tell you what, I will do it pro-bono. Now, now, I insist. I want to give back to my fello rats. I will do the research and I will be fully un-biased. What do you say?


Good try, you wouldn't imagine the number of emails I get asking if I need help testing protos, giving input on designs or just "being there" in case the need arises :D:D
He should not feel bad at all.

I would like to personally thank him on the Forum.

May god Bless you, and everyone makes mistakes, this mistake has brought joy to some very loyal fans.
There is a 104 count over at the other forum chat:eek: :eek: :eek:

Eric, after reading your response, I noticed that there was no comment on "accidently" making ME a desert tan HR. Just between you and me, if you "accidently" make ME a desert tan HR, I won't tell:D


edited to add.......It must be tough keeping a thought going back and forth b/w two forums and the comments in each, huh!
Well Goodnight to all you other Rats.

Thanks for spending time with us Master Eric you always keep it interesting, and thank your mole for the pics.

DarkJedi - May the Force Guide and protect you always.

LOL, well at least you're keeping me laughing :D

I'll let you know if that accident occurs :D

I'm not saying we won't do this, I just haven't heard any plans of any Desert HR's at this time.
Hit the new thread instead of the reply:mad: :mad: :mad:

If my HR arrives in standard black, I will love it none the less.

If we are done here, I am good. See you next Monday, Same rat time, same rat place!


God I am funny! I am surprised that I have not seen that before!!!
LOL, keeping me laughing :D

And that's it for me too. :D

Thanks guys it was fun. I'll keep you updated on the Desert Rat's and when they will be available on the website :D

See you next week at "Chat"