I'm not dead! REALLY!!


Welcome back, Dave! Glad to hear that you are doing better. In your absence I requested Esav be made a moderator of this here forum to help handle to load. Hope you don't mind. :D

Really glad to hear from you pal!
Good Evening.
It is I again!
Well, I went to the Harvest Festival... why they call it that, I have no clue.
This is the fershelunging desert for Luca Brazi's sake! Nothing grows here other than tumbleweeds, sticker bushes and other unharvesticle - hee hee... that rhymes with....uhhh... ball - things, but that don't mean that people don't show up for the thing! I mean, it's like when John Gotti would throw a block party... EVERYone went.
So I went, got me 4 sides of ribs, registered to vote, got a new application to renew my American Legion Membership, donated about $60 to Vets' needs, got a purple heart crystal for the Missus, and a couple of patrioticalisticle... hey, that rhymed with nut!! Whoa, it's scary how well I rhyme...
So I got back a little while ago and I am So Sleeeeepppyyyyy....zzzzzzzz
Just had a vision of me and Mrs. Robinson gettin' it on in the Jupiter Two!!
WHOA!!! Here comes Judy... and that ape....???
Screw it.. here's some more responses:
Ren the Devil's Trailboss said:
good to hear from your rodentness..I was just thinking about you the other day..Wishing the best for ya dude..

I Reply: I still remember ya, Ren! And considering the way things are goin' on in my brain, that's one helluva feat! As for your thinking of me the other day, we were wearing ckothes weren't we?
Thanks Ren, I appreciate the kinds words and wishes!!

OK, folks, I really wanted to respond more but the Goddess of Sleep, Morpheus, beckons (not to mention the rest of drugs) and my highly mobile today, I'll have to finish this diatribe tomorrow.
I'm tilting my head at a 90 degree angle just to see things lined up like they is supposed to be, but that makes me tumble out of my chair.

Until later, I shall still remain to be me, Vampire Gerbil
Vampire...glad the meds are keeping the pain faeries away!! Great to see you posting again. The more I read of your posts, the more I'm convinced you are the truly sane one on this board! :D
Good Evening Again.
I remain Vampire Gerbil.
I'll keep coming back until I finish each serious response (By "serious" I mean that if someone keeps posting inoccuos questions, like "What time is it, VG?" followed by "Where were you born, VG?" It can go on and on forever, I tell ya!
Oh, that last question... who the hell remembers a swamp at 0200 hours!
Coulda been Lousiana, coulda been NJ, what with all those whispering ponds and other bodies much stiller than me.,....
Once again I have derailed from my train of thought and crashed right into a VW Beetle with 73 clowns inside of it, so lemme respond some more, ok?
Thank You, even you guys that try growing packawood trees!

Bastid said:Been concerned and it is good to see your post. Been dealing with Author It is in my spine for about 10 months now (too much old age whitewater and pullin' that anvil out of my trunk did not help any either) and I know it can get ya down at times, but stay on the positive side V.G.

I say: Thanks for telling me how to spell my condition, Bastidian (Sounds like a Roman Legionnaire, don't it?)
Yes, it indeed do suck, especially when it keeps popping out at a new place like every 2 months or so.
This morning, my wife couldn't get out of bed without my help cuz now she's got SOMEthing in her hip. I assumed it was just more Arthur, but she had an appointment with our Doc today and he said it could be multiple sclerosis. She already has so many health problems that I'm ...well... terrified.

But I wanna keep this light so I know everyone sends their kind wishes towards my wife, and let's leave it at that, ok?
Bastidurion, get someone else to grab the heavy stuff whenever ya can.. I got what the government calls "children". To me however, they are "Indentured Servants". If you don't have any around, you can adopt one, or do the Foster Family thing and get paid for them to do the hard work they're doing. If you're in a good mood, you can even give 'em a portion of your payment. Kids still just LOVE a shiny new dime, don't ya know.
I'm doin' my best to have a positive attitude. 30 milligrams of vallium and a bunch of Welbutrin took a while, but finally, I'm starting to feel like my old self.. personality-wise, that is.
Hang in there BastARFLEET COMMANDERid. Things can always be worse.

Well, I sure did promote Bastid amazingly fast, didn't I. That's cuz the nice men with the drugs keep me sedated and relatively happy!
Did I mention that I checked into , VOLUNTARILY checked into a psyche ward cuz I'd spent about 3 hours to figure out the best way to get rid of myself... and I was serious!
But I can only imagine the tranqs fixing that problem...keeps me on the positiver side, ya know?
OK, back to responses.........

Esav Benyamin Said, sans any Yiddish accent whatsoeverSheesh! Talk about mixed emotions ... reading that last story, one part of me was hoping the punk got shot and the other part of me worried that if the punk got shot, that nice dagger would fall down and get scratched or scuffed ...

Anyway, VG, I'm glad you didn't pick up anymore nightmares.

Please up your meds and

come back here more often!
And I respond like this here: Hiya Esav, Long Time no see!! As for me coming back there, well, I didn't wanna scare the midwesterners who may be listening, but what the hackabubble, I'll let it out now.
In a few months me, my wife and my daughter, Alisha, are moving to Oklahoma, where my wife was living when I first founded her! I was online in NJ, she was in Ponca City, OK so after a year of speaking telephonically constantly, she came to NJ to check me out and she approved.
ANYhoo, we met online January 7,1997. About a year after she and the 4 kids moved in, then on January 7, 1999 we gots married, yes, 2 years to the date that we met online. A funny thing about it was that the Preacher and the Little old Lady That Plays The Organ were all-a titter because Dennis Rodman and Carmen Electra were married at the same place, The Little Chapel of the Flowers.
Our marriage lasted longer than theirs.... although Carmen had a much longer Schwampenpfoofer to mess with. :(
OK, the point is, my wife hates it here in Pahrump and wants to be closer to her grandson... ahem... yes, MY STEPgrandson, and me so young and stuff!
But her son's there and Alisha's coming with us, so my wife should be much happier. She's been so depressed lately that she cries at the drop of a hat, and that is NOT how she is.
OK, Esav, I just spent a zillion words to let ya know I'll be halfway there in probably 6 months. Then a little plane ride and I can be a New Jersey Knife Collectors Association #007 - Honorary, but that number still gives me a license to stab those who annoy me or any of the other members of this cult.

As for the story about the punk, it turned out the best for me. Yeah, he was definitely in the kill zone, but I probably woulda been charged with something (remember his buddy was watching the whole thing?) and a few grand later, I'd be a quitted.
As for the knife, it sounded like a cheap wall decoration, although in hindsight, I DO regret not telling him to drop the knife and scabbard to the ground, just as a souvenir.
And BOY HOWDY, you got that right about the nightmares! They were always horrible and so VIVID. Now I'm sure I dream, but I haven't had memory of one in 2-3 weeks!
That's a very GOOD thing!
OK, Esav, at this rate I'll be dead before I finish all the responses, so thank you for the kind words about upping my meds. I shall take some now.
What's the prayer for taking pills Baruch Atah " boray paree morpheous?
Something like that, right?

Nathan S Typed the following at me:Hiya VG, good to hear from you. I hope your various aches, pains, concerns, depressions, repressions and impressions are not keeping you too far down. Thanks for sharing the story about the parking lot incident. Hats off to you, sounds like you handled it very well.
Me, Vampire Gerbil Hath thith...this to say back
Damn, Dude! I was feeling better until you listed 'em all down like that!
As for the parking lot, it just taught me that I can't get out of a situation, I just go on some sorta autopilot so I get to go home. Going to a school definitely brought back alotta muscle memory... Although I hear that some people don't use that term anymore. All I know is he was about 15 feet from me and pulled a knife (possibly to try and sell it to me, but I sure as hell wasn't gonna have a conversation with a street person holding a dagger at conversation distance.
But I thank you for the hats off... not sure I deserve it or not, but getting people to remove parts of their clothing cuz of my Actions seems to be a good talent to have. I wish their were more ladies here.... I might get a Tom Jones -Tossed panties tossed at me and have it wrap itself around my head and down my back...
Come to think of it, howzabout we just say "Top o' the mornin' to ya, Hamish".
Yeah, that's it.
Thanks, Nathan! And a Top of the mornin' to ya, Hamish!!

Geepers, but I come up with brilliant suggestions when being threatened by gigantic pairs of bloomers!!! Yep, when the stress hits, I go right into action....
Now then, who's next....
Daniel Koster shrieked:LOL Esav - pretty close to what I was thinking....though, I was wondering what if the guy recognized VG from the forum and wanted to show him his new auto dagger?
Well that doesn't appear to be addressed to me, so the polite thing to do is let Esav handle it.
However, I ain't polite, maybe cuz of the drugs or something.
This person was from the Crackiesmoke Nation. He wouldn't be associated with such a high class of people such as ourselves.....hmmmm I probably shoulda left that to Esav.....he'd have been much honester!

Daniel says: Glad to see you post again, VG.
I say: Thank you, Daniel. I myself are glad to watch me type my posts using my fingers purposefully.

Daniel said:Dibs on your S&W500.....there I said it...
F :footinmou :footinmou T-In-My-Mouth[/i]
I now say: Are ya serious? I had to pawn that. Drop me an email, and lemme know, ok?

I shall try and respond some more later on, if I'm concious.

I shall remain,
Vampire Gerbil
Vampire Gerbil said:
Daniel said:Dibs on your S&W500.....there I said it...
F :footinmou :footinmou T-In-My-Mouth[/i]
I now say: Are ya serious? I had to pawn that. Drop me an email, and lemme know, ok?

:( :( :confused:

email sent....sniff, sniff.....
Vampire Gerbil said:
... Hiya Esav, Long Time no see!! As for me coming back there, well, I didn't wanna scare the midwesterners who may be listening, but what the hackabubble, I'll let it out now.
In a few months me, my wife and my daughter, Alisha, are moving to Oklahoma, where my wife was living when I first founded her! I was online in NJ, she was in Ponca City, OK so after a year of speaking telephonically constantly, she came to NJ to check me out and she approved.

Dave...as someone who grew up (physically, still waiting on the mental and emotional part) in Tulsa, you have my sympathies in advance. Do you have a job lined up with Conoco? I think that's all there is there. Anyway, I have (or had) immediate relatives that were like four of the ten Jews in Ponca City. They had an interesting life there, for sure. On the light side, I guess you aren't too far from Stillwater, which is 42 miles straight down US 177 and can get a job with Oklahoma State University, or with the company that prints and distributes Rolling Stone magazine.

Look out Ponca...HERE COMES THE GERBIL!!
Sure good to know you're alive if not well VG! Since you and your family are coming to Oklahoma we may finally be able to meet up one day. That would be really kewl!:D
Yvsa....I was thinkin the exact opposite......"Run-n-hide!!"

j/k VG

You know better than to believe that....:D

I'm not too far from OK myself....about 10 miles actually....:p (NW Arkansas)
Missed the part about OK. I'd have to feel sorry for anyone moving here too. :)

Won't even offer to meet ya after comments i've made about your daughter before. And won't tell ya wher eI live, either. ;)
Good Evening again, again.
It is I, youknowwho.

It's my destiny to completely respond to everyone that responded to me which can get a bit sticky when you have a motor mouth for a typing hand!
I'll just go and start where I left off, Shall I?
OK, I shall.
I believe the last person I responded at were Daniel, so that means he next in line is my favorite former Marine that took up guitar in his late 30's/early 40's who made the sharpest knife I own, Danbo.

Danbo saidHey, Gerbie! Glad to hear you're up and running around. Call me, and let's rap.
I say back at Danbo:Danbo, I ain't ran since sometime while playing with the Misguided Children. I hobble pretty good though! A phone call is in your future, but right now I sleep during the day and am up all night. It's not a vampire thing; it's a TV Remote thing. Got tired of fighting my wife over what to watch, so I try and sleep as much as possible during day , battle her for only 3 hours or so and then she goes to sleep and I get to watch whatever I want!
That make sense?

Centaur saidVG,
Good to see you back on the air. I've been missing your unique brand of posts.

I say Ahh.. short and sweet! Thanks, part human and part horsey! Apparently a lot of people have been missing my posts. Why? I haven't a clue. Really, I don't! But if it makes someone smile, GREAT! If it makes someone spew forth coffee outta their nostrils, FANTASTIC!!
The thing is, at I know that when I go, I'll be remembered by a lotta folks, at least for a while. And that means a whole messofalot to me. I don't want anyone sad or anything... I just want someone to come up with some idiotic thing I said, repeat it, and have it turn into one big laff-fest over my icky body!

MarkCid84 saidGlad to hear you are still among the living!!!

Great to hear from you again, Dave! Hope that things improve for you, & hope to see ya posting with some irregularity!!! :D :D :D

I shout back YO MARK!!!! Thanks for postin'! Sorry we didn't get together after the shows, but frankly, I was too wiped out. It was all I could do to find my car, get some take-out and watch some por.... movies on the hotel's TV.
By the way, I was truly evil. I told you I'd email you the URL of the guy that made some sheaths for me outta Concealex. He can be found HERE
If you do business with him, tell him I sent ya, but better yet, tell him what you do for a living. It's worth it.
Anyhow, It's great hearing from you too and I'm sorry that we didn't have more time to hang out at BLADE. Thanks for your well wishes. I dunno, but ever since everyone posted here giving me their best, I DO feel a bit better, so all that positive thinking on everyone's part is doing it's thing. Thanks Mark and everyone! I mean it!!

PistolPete (through his bushy mustache said, brushilly,Dave, good to see you up and running again! Hope to catch you on chat some night. Take care. Monte
I say Hiya Pistol Monte! Was I right about the mustache?
In any event, it's been more than therapeutic for me to read everyone's well wishes and I AM feeling better.
I sowed this thread to me wife and she's amazed that everyone has said all of these things towards me. She's like, "Do you actually KNOW these people?" I told her that I met maybe less than 10 of 'em and then she REALLY didn't get it... that is, until I reminded her that she and I met on the net and within a couple of weeks, I told her we'd be spending the rest of our lives together. That freaked her out at first, but now she gets it. So she thanks everyone here too, same as me!
Getting on Chat's a hard thing to do at the moment. That drops into mine and the Missus "together time" and I gotta keep an eye on her, lest she fall asleep without telling me where the tv remotes are! I'll do what I can though, I promise!

Herr Glockmann Dann has sprechenDamn, Dave...You ARE still alive! Gout, 'eh...Glad you don't have THAT...I do, and it's no picnic...But then, Gout IS a form of arthritis...

PTSD...That sucks...I should also have that "disorder", from my killing days in the 'Nam, but I guess I must just be a hard-ass who doesn't give a damn....

...Now, if we can just figure out what happened to Dexter E. (and Jimmy Hoffa)....

I sprechen back at him: in all seriousness, I'm glad you got through 'Nam without any of the PTSD. If it hit ya like it hit me, ... well, I'm a pretty forceful personality, but 21 years later, I'd wake up screaming. Alot of that is from my FF/EMT days too though. I had one dream related to that and it is still as clear in my own conscious eyes as if it had really happened.
Guess ya gotta go through some of that stuff to appreciate it, plus it helps if you can store it someplace where it did you no harm. I'm glad you're ok... wish everyone was... but for me, at least, my feelings are very close to the surface (which is why I write the way I do, I suppose) and it's a good outlet for me. I wish others that are so much worse off than me cold find their own release...
OK, this is supposed to be upbeat, so I'll shuddup about it.... but still glad you're doing fine, Dann.
I checked with my Doc about the gout/arthritis connection, and of course, you are correct Sir. The latest flared up area (the left foot/ankle) has been behaving lately, and that's including wandering the desert, setting up targets to hit with my Carlos Hathcock White Feather M-25.
Funny thing about that is, he used a Remington 700, a Winchester 70, even a Ma Duece for his longest kill, but I cannot find any
thing saying that he used an M-21, which is what this beast is....
Damn, took me like 20 minutes to get all that info more or less accurate...
What were I saying?
Even tough I was skipping and hopping across the in even desert land, my left foot (no Academy Nomination for that one) didn't bug me at all.
Of course, now that I said that, won't be able to walk when I wake up.... and that's annoying cuz I just bore-sighted the M-25, which was WAAAAAAAY off and now I think I'll be able to hit something with it!
So, anyhow, cross your fingers that this was just an oddball, 3 times in my life sorta thing and I'll never see it again, ok?
As for Dexter.... you can email him and he usually replies. I've also seen him write regularly for Blade, so maybe he's really busy.
As for Jimmy Hoffa, well, as you know, I'm originally from Jersey and like all citizens of that state, we were sworn to secrecy about where JH is by these "two guyz", so I cannot say more.....
Although now that I think about it, there's an untold amount of unauthorized graves between Pahrump and Vegas, so I probably passed his unmarked grave a few thousand times since working out here!
however, I shall say no more.... I don't wanna see those guyz again!
Thanks for checking in, Dann, I appreciate it!

ElvisLives SaidGood to hear from you brother! Sorry you've been dealing with so much crap, but just goes to show that you can't keep a good man down!

Take care of yerself man!

I, Vampire Gerbil, responded like this:Hiya Undead Elvis!!! It's me, Vampire Gerbil! It's good to hear from you too and I gotta admit, I'm almost getting emotional at this point. Don't you people have anything better to do than wish me well? I ain't tellin' ya ta stop, no siree-Larry, but I'm feeling all sticky inside. Thanks, Man!
By the way, I CAN be kept down by certain people, most of 'em in my past. Once they grab hold of my ears, there ain't no place to go until I "finish".

GOLLy, it's St.NICK Sayeth:I just have to add how funny it was to see a thread entitled, "I'm not dead! REALLY!!" with the last poster listed as "ElvisLives."
And I sayeth back: Well, it's been a while since Elvis Ain't Dead Yet was the last poster, but it WAS amusing during that time, I'll admit!
I'll also admit that I hate the mixolidan mode!:p

Maximus Otter said, with a British Accent

Good to hear from you.

Excellent work in the car park. I dream of a world where decent people walk free and the slags cower at home in fear. One day.

I went ahead and said in a Jersey accent: It's always good to hear from you too. Your avatar always makes me crack up!
Thanks for the thumbs up about the parking lot. After something like that happens, you keep going over and over it in your head, but since nobody got hurt, I was satisfied with the outcome. The best I can come up with is that he was feeling really good from something he just put into his bloodstream and wanted to sell me that knife. But even so, I ain't buying a POS and now I'd be telling the guy "No thanks" with him 2 feet from me with a knife in his hand. Not a good place to be, so I'm as happy as I can be about it, I guess. I shoulda called the PD, but they mighta both swore up and down that I'd pulled a pistol on one of them. My car's pretty easy to spot... Caddy Seville with USMC Veteran Plates so I've gotten past it by now... but knowing that some of my old habits ain't left me.
As for the decent people walk free and the slags stay at home, well, that sounds like the town I live in. The median age is about 40, plus most of the people carry a firearm for protection. I was stopped by the Sheriff's Department for driving "strangely one night - not drunk, just dad tired and falling asleep...I know, my fault. But As I was pulled over, first thin I said was that I had a .45 on my right hip and won't move until he tells me to.
It was absolutely no big deal!
Anyhow, hope all's well on your side of the pond, Max!

GOLLy, it's St.NICK this time Sayeth:
VG, nice to hear from you again and to hear that you're feeling a bit better.

Things haven't been the same around here without you. We miss you and are looking forward to having you back on a more regular basis.

I retort: Aww... c'mon, you're making me feel all sticky inside again. Thanks!
Shappa (the Shanana Tribute band's leader, I think) said
Dave, glad to hear you are improving.
Good heads up action in the parking lot!
Get better and visit when you are able.

Me, Vampire Gerbil, responds:
Thanks for all three wishes, Tom, plus the ones ya forgot to write!
I appreciate all of what you've said, but fear that I'd be repeating myself if I answered each statement of yours. That sure as hell don't mean that it's not just as appreciated as everyone else's thought, so THANKS!!!!!!

Not2Sharp spoketh *

I hope we hear more from you. It hasn't been the same without you.
BTW, were the docs able to do anything about Lorena, I still gets the shakes whenever I flashback to those photos.
WARNING: do not look at the picture in question here: http://www.vampiregerbil.com/goofy/goofy11.jpg)
Your eyes may never be the same again.

I responded thusly:
Hiya N2S!
I'll do my best to get here as often as I can. The problem is that when I'm able to sit for long periods of time it means that I'm pretty well drugged up from the previous day, so it's 0300-0500 when I respond. Ya win some, ya break some. What can I say?
Lorena's pretty much MIA. I haven't seen her in about 4 years, so I'm hoping she got lost in the desert and is feeding on vultures.

True story about that picture though....
Lorena had just made herself up to look all pretty and whatnot and posed for that picture.
Then she went to the front of the house where she heard the happy little sounds of little children playing.
Lorena saw her next door neighbor, Jimmy was his name I think, a very nice 6 or 7 year old, that was pedaling his bicycle in her direction.
Lorena let out an ear shattering shriek and ran at the boy, knife over her head, just like in the pic.
Well, little Jimmy's got the reflexes of a hummingbird on speed, so he just jumped off his bike, without bothering to stop it, and the bike kept coming at Lorena. By the time the bike had passed her, the kid was already sitting down, right behind his mother.
She's looking at Lorena in the oddest matter - concerned, repulsed, fearful and ready to Kill Lorena with her hairbrush if Lorena took one step closer. Lorena lied and said, "It's OK, I'm Dave from next door."
At that point she cracked up fiercely!
Jimmy didn't see what was so funny and would not let Lorena approach to return his bike. So I told one of my kids to give him his bike and all was well.
Like I said, that's a true story of what happened about 3-4 minutes (if that) after that pic was taken.

Anyhow, thanks for the good wishes!
Thanks, N2S

Larry S said this here:Hi Dave!

Glad to read you're back! Loved the comment about the tattoo guy/1911/ "Whoops".
Take care as best you can, man and see you in Atlanta??

Larry S.

I, myself, responded thusly:
Howdy Larry!
Sorry we didn't have much time to hang out at BLADE this year, but I was hurtin' pretty bad! Just ask Pat in Chat! I was dozing off in the middle of my sentences cuz I took a tad more of my meds than I was supposed to, and STILL I hurt when I walked around!
Glad ya liked the comment about "Whoops". That was also the Lord's honest truth. Did I mention that I also came in with a stocked up AR-15 so he could get the rifle and new bayonet done properly?
I wanted my Marine Taz to have an M-16 with the NEW USMC bayonet, so to make sure he got it right, I brought in the rifle with the bayonet attached.
To the tattoo artists credit, he didn't even blink an eye!
It was really hard to get the tattoo to photograph correctly since it wrapped around my arm, so I had to splice 2 together, which came out like this

(It's hard to see in that pic, but it's Ka-Bar styled and also has serrations.)
I had that at BLADE and showed it to the proprietor who was selling those bayonets. He got a kick out of it and said that it was a safe bet to say I was the first guy to have the NEW USMC bayonet inked onto him!
I can't say what's gonna happen at next year's BLADE. I should be in Oklahoma by then... so lemme check MapQuest and see how far it is...
Wait, please, I'll be right back, or as the kids say, yo, chill out homes, I'll brb.....
Yo, I'm back and whatnot.
er... ahem.. sorry about that.
Looks like the distance'll kill me. Its 880 miles. Not to mention hotel, food, buying millions of dollars to get knives to BLADE, etc.
Looks like I'll pass it this year. Sorry, Larry.
I shall now sob uncontrolably.

Esav Benyamin got all horny about Lorena, saying:
Originally Posted by not2sharp
Your eyes may never be the same again.

Nice knife. Her eyes always glow like that. I never noticed her teeth do, too.

I speak for Lorena, saying: Simma down now, Esav. She ain't been haunting us for 4 years, and I'd hate to have her Bobbitski senses tingle and realize she's being talked about by us here. :barf:

As for her teeth, I think she got to my Photoshop application. I've seen those teeth up close and aside from the fact that each one is capable if stripping steel cable and pointed inward to hold her prey, they are also a greenish/brown/bile color.

Johnniet said the following, damply:
Great to hear you're alive!
I think Bugs3x has PTSD. See if you can track him down. Haven't seen him around for a while.
Great work in the parking lot. Nice recommendation of Fore Sight. Actually, I guess you did use your foresight! But with everything else going on, you may want to stay farther away from those places now. :)
How's your wife doing?

I answer quite dryly:
I really don'y know Bugs 3x all that well and would hate to ask him about such a personal issue. It's a good idea, but I don't like it when I get unsolicited advice (nobody here or in email has done that, so no worries) but I hope he's alright.
Yeah, you're right bout staying away from those lovely areas these days. It's just that my job took me to those areas and much, MUCH worse places, so this place didn't really phase me. I kept my eyes and ears open and nobody snuck up on me. Like a buncha people say, "Self Awareness" is your first weapon.
Thanks for asking about my wife, Johnnie. She still has everything she had before, but she doesn't like me saying stuff abut her to others. I know that everyone cares, but I gotta respect her wishes. I CAN say that she's not worse though, so honey, if you're reading this, it's all Johnnies fault!
Thanks for asking, Bro!

Emanuel said all this here:VG, I can't even think of the right words.
Just know you and your family are in our hearts! Great to see you back:)

I said, all tough like
Yeah, Man, tell me about it... I got choked up here about a few hundred times. Nothing more needs to be said.
Thanks a bunch!!

ohoisin said to me, in an Asian Sauced way.,..I think...
No worries VG of course you're not dead, you're undead. Seriously though nice to hear from you again.

I mightily retort in an incredibly ear shattering whisper: Ya know, first I gotta ask about your avatar. I just think that's neat as a fruitcake without nuts and extra green pieces (that's how I like my fruitcake)
As for your screen name, if it's ethnic, and you take offense, none meant, I promise. I just got reminded of Hoisin Sauce. Asian food'smy favorite, as everyone knows.
In fact, could everyone send me spare ribs?
Thank you.
Now then....
Yeah, I keep forgetting about the undead thing. It's easy to forget you're undead when you have to renew the license plates on your car and truck, ya know?
Seriously you, my friend, it's nice to BE back! THANKS!

Well, that's been another 4 hours or so and I think I'm halfway there.
Thank you all again, very, very, MUCH!
I remain,
Severtecher Said at me: Good to see you at the computer VG. We missed you . All the gals on the forum will have to send you a group hug (or group grope). Hang in there amigo. Kevin
I heartily respond in a zesty manner: Howdy Severkev! Thanks for letting me know I was missed. That's always a good thing to hear.
Ya might wanna remind the ladies about the group whatever though, cuz I think they forgot or something.... yeah, they musta just forgot.
I shall hang in there as long as possible. With friends like I have, it sure makes it easier! Thanks, Kevin!

KC Slim had his avatar say to me:Seeing you post again made my day VG, I hope your situation improves, and I hope you feel better.

I shudderingly speak back to his avatar, saying:[/b] Sir, thank you for relaying the kind thoughts of KC Slim, Sir. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir. If there's ever anything I can do for you, just mention it, Sir. And please, Sir, thank KC for his kind thoughts, would you, please, Sir? Thank you, Sir.

PhilL said:VG, thanks for the post.
There's not a day that goes by here that I don't think about you and how you're doing. I know that if you were up to it you would be here posting with your own special brand of wackiness. So when you don't post all we can do is hope that you're doing what you need to do to take care of yourself and feel better.

Stay strong my friend. Post when you can. If there's anything we can do for you please let us know.

I say back in an Irish brogue, so he can understand me Hiya Phil! How's my favorite Irishman doin'?
(See? I'm still as brilliant as ever!)
Seriously though, I can't begin to tell you how much your sentiments mean to me. To anynone else watching, me and Phil hook up at Blade whenever we're there and we're basically inseparable. He's smart as hell, talented like you would NOT believe... check out the stuff he made for me HERE!
The guy's an artist! Not to mention one of my closest friends that I wish I could see more of every week.
Thanks Phil.. you're a true friend!

Code 3 said this here: Take it easy, Dave.

Glad to see you are doing reasonably well.

I responded thusly: Hiya Mike! I'll take it any way I can at this point, and I don't mean that in a sex-like way. I just wanna take and take until something makes me feel better... although admittedly, I DO feel better, and the responses that everyone here left for me probably did more for me than any doctor or hospital!
Thanks again Mike, and remember, ya can't eat Purple K!
(That's a burning magnesium engine joke to everyone else)

Ewok said this here:He's alive! I'm really going to try to get back out there to visit my rifle, er, I mean, to visit you.:)
I retorted: Yep, I'm alive as a young turtle that doesn't know that sunning itself on a hiway isn't a real good idea.
Now what's this about a rifle?
(Have no fears! It's quite safe!)
Look forward to seein' ya!
Dave and VG

Roadrunner beep-beeped this: Great to hear from you VG. Take care of yourself.
I replied in a coyote-ish howl: Hiya RR!! Great to hear from you too. I'll take care of myself as best I can. In fact, I have an exercise walk planned for tomorrow. ACME has a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale!!

JTC said, initially.... look at the name, that'll explain the "initially": Nice to see a post from you again VG. Hope you feel better with each passing day.
I, VG, Initially respond: Thanks for the good thoughts, John! I really appreciate you taking the time to write 'em out for me. And so far, it seems as if I AM doing better each day, so thanks. I'll give you credit for that one, ok?

OK, it's sorta late and I worked alot on this keyboard today, so if you'll excuse me, lease excuse me so I can lie down.
Thanks again to everyone, and if I ain't got to ya yet, I shall!
Girl Scout's Honor!!
(Hey, I buy those cookies every year, so that's gotta gimme SOME Girl Scout privelidges!)
Until then,
Farewell, I shall remain,
VG or Vampire Gerbil or Dave... yeah, one of those idiots I'll definitely be!