I'm the smartest one in the room - the non-shop, non-business sub forum chat thread

One of these days I will convince myself once and for all to stop banging my knuckles against the wood stove interior when putting new logs in. Hopefully the one that just happened now will be the one to do the final convincing.
I’m gonna need you to paint me a picture
I’m gonna need you to paint me a picture
Knuckles keep hitting wood stove interior, so the only logical and proper solution is to grind your knuckles down using the belt sander. Full flat ground knuckles! Simple fool proof solutions for the working man. ™
Well David, I do have something a bit controversial to discuss... I can't speak for Canadians but here in America there is a hamburger bun conspiracy afoot.

Regular buns are now the size of the slider buns of old... and it's getting to where a man can't find a decent sized bun. As a "burger" myself this is an attack on my livelyhood. I eat and breathe the burger as an essential staple, I bleed the burger. So far I have found a singular contender in the form of Ballpark XL buns (which in reality are just regular sized buns of yester year).

Do you have this problem in Canada? I like to compare notes every chance I get.
SwissHeritageCo SwissHeritageCo Ive bought hamburger buns at a grocery store literally once in the whole time I’ve been in Havelock. I made hamburgers with them, and they were glorious.

On Tuesdays I order hamburgers from Woody Burger because they have a two for $8 special. They come with buns. All the aforementioned buns were suitable size for a burger.

So I guess you have my sympathy. Maybe you could cut your burger into strips and put it in multiple hot dog buns. I know American like to load up on their carbs. 🤣
SwissHeritageCo SwissHeritageCo Ive bought hamburger buns at a grocery store literally once in the whole time I’ve been in Havelock. I made hamburgers with them, and they were glorious.

On Tuesdays I order hamburgers from Woody Burger because they have a two for $8 special. They come with buns. All the aforementioned buns were suitable size for a burger.

So I guess you have my sympathy. Maybe you could cut your burger into strips and put it in multiple hot dog buns. I know American like to load up on their carbs. 🤣


I would advise you not to disrespect the burgs with such sacrilegious chatter.
This is a similar problem to the amount of hotdogs sold in a package vs. the amount of hotdog buns you get in a package. Or for that matter why do you need to buy "bun length" hotdogs in the first place??? And why do we add corn syrup in the ingredients list of every hotdog???
This is a similar problem to the amount of hotdogs sold in a package vs. the amount of hotdog buns you get in a package. Or for that matter why do you need to buy "bun length" hotdogs in the first place??? And why do we add corn syrup in the ingredients list of every hotdog???

I'll add on to this... I haven't been able to find Bryan Cajun sausage in two months. It was an essential part of my red beans and rice taste profile.

In reference to your corn syrup concerns, it's because it's government subsidized. They put that crap in everything that it doesn't belong in. I was looking at my ritz crackers the other day and there's "sugar" stuffed into those too. Bring back fresh old school sourdough, it's the only bread our bodies are meant to tolerate.
I'll add on to this... I haven't been able to find Bryan Cajun sausage in two months. It was an essential part of my red beans and rice taste profile.

In reference to your corn syrup concerns, it's because it's government subsidized. They put that crap in everything that it doesn't belong in. I was looking at my ritz crackers the other day and there's "sugar" stuffed into those too. Bring back fresh old school sourdough, it's the only bread our bodies are meant to tolerate.
If it's a mix of chicken and pork that might be the problem. Likely to not see a lot of chicken products for a while again. Which once again makes me question why we continue to maintain mass factory farmed chicken in few locations. The loss of only one leads to a shortage.
'Tis a beautiful day coming in South Central Alaska!

I'm finally done fighting my latest round against the virulent creeping crud. I had been sick since Tuesday. the type "A" flu has been rampant in my workplace. I guess it's kinda like the type "B" flu, but more competitive?

Ever since I was knee high to a grasshopper I've always sharpened knives when I'm sick. I'm pretty sure I could have stropped a bowie knife into a toothpick these last few days. I've managed to put a hair whittling sharp edge on most of my knives-And I have a pretty respectable pile! The big surprise there is that it seems many of my older knives of more humble origins seem to take that hair splitting edge more readily than my newer super steels, even when considering extra hardness, etc.

Some of them brought back very good memories. My wife does alot of edible and medicinal foraging. I accompany her. she kneels down and talks with the plants and gives thanks. I grumble under my breath, look across the lake and wonder if the fish are biting today. It really is a special time for us though. Two of her favorites are Devil's Club and Cottonwood salve (AKA Balm of Gilead) while anticipating this season's foraging I took out my favorite foraging knives to sharpen. As I drew the blades from the sheathes I smelled the Devil's club root and a bit of dirt. It smelled wonderful! It made me remember foraging trips of times past, and anticipate the ones in the future.

Though I own many knives of great quality, my favorite foraging knives are Moras. Specifically my Kansbol and a handful of...errr...Eldrises? Eldri? well...the short stubby ones. the squares spines are great for scraping bark and cadmium layers. And the thin blades are easy to use all day, and of course slice efficiently. one day, I need to figure out the perfect foraging knife and see if David will make it.

While on a Theraflu high yesterday, I went to square off the spine of my Kansbol a little better. Then decided to convert the blade from Scandi to flat grind. I think I'm a step closer to that perfect design now. It was the first blade I've worked on beyond sharpening since my shop caught fire a bit over a year ago. David Mary level... I ain't...but I was still very pleased to note that I still have a decent grinding hand.

It's the quietest part of the day. Nice to be alone. i have a warm dog at my feet, a good cup of coffee to one side and a foraging knife to strop on the other and I can see the sun rising. I think i'm going to count blessings today, though I'm not sure I can count that high.
If it's a mix of chicken and pork that might be the problem. Likely to not see a lot of chicken products for a while again. Which once again makes me question why we continue to maintain mass factory farmed chicken in few locations. The loss of only one leads to a shortage.

Interesting thought. Might just be it the answer. I've tried four cajun sausage varieties with no perfect replacement (conecuh is close).
It's all give and take, right? I mean...sure, I might break my neck stepping out onto a slippery porch, or drive myself into a heart attack while shoveling snow, but...I'll never step out my door and onto a venomous snake or interrupt an alligators' first and most important meal of the day (Some nearby dog or cat)

Belay the moose and bear, I reckon...lol