Intrepid Steel Type?

Oct 12, 1998
Guess I'll post one of the early real questions for this forum.
As far as I've been able to find out from my usual sources, the Intrepid is listed as having a "400-series" stainless steel. I'm wondering if there's an answer that's a bit less, um, vague, as to the construction of this knife. It looks like a great production rendition of Carson's custom work, and I'm wondering what actual type of steel is used for it.

PS. Cobalt, how the heck did you read my mind on this one? I just posted this and as the screen reloaded, there was your post. Weird!

Don LeHue

The first sign of poor craftsmanship is wrinkles in the duct tape.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited 18 March 1999).]
The steel is our 420HC. Our catalog is a little vauge.


Jeff "Without data it's just another opinion" Hubbard
Not much feedback yet on the reverse serrations. We did have one navy buyer request theirs with our standard serration instead.


Jeff "Without data it's just another opinion" Hubbard