Is the Spydiechef discontinued?

Aug 31, 2017
So I was going to not buy a poligwog and instead get a spydiechef which is a real knife I can use. It turns out it's sold out all over and $400 on eBay but I remember in February I could get it for 280 all over, including eBay. What gives? Did it just become discontinued and I missed the memo? Now there's another billion dollar slyz knife from spyderco out there?
No. There's no knowing when batches will come out though
You can pre-order at Knifecenter dot com if you don't mind putting the money out for an unknown amount of time
Nay tis but a short deceiving, thine thread be reopened! You are all fools! I found one and bought it for $217 at the most secretest knife store ever. I just have no way of telling if I get a metal or ceramic detent ball until I get it.