Is there a BF designed knife?

Sep 19, 2001
I was wondering if BF has done a knife design by commitee yet. Not just new materials on an existing model like BM's forum knives, but something from the ground up. It might not be too hard to do. I'd like to start off by suggesting that this forum do a single blade, pocket clip folder with manual opening. I figure balis, autos, throwers, swords, and hawks have their own forums. Multi-tools go in gadgets and gear, and maybe multi blade slipjoints don't need a ground up redesign (tradition being part of the appeal). Fixed blades offer a little less complexity as well, so this is just my humble suggestion of what to start with for some fun.

pivot pin
And anything else I'm forgetting :p
Kewl :D Anyone up for another go round? We could add up the choices, and maybe get an image done by one of our more 'puter litrit members. :)
Actually, the Sifu was designed tangentally to the forums, to say that the actual design came from member input would be stretching it a bit.

We did have a "forum designed" knife - the Spyderco Blue G-10 Native. Unfortunately, when you design things by comittee, there's often a problem with the results. In this case, they didn't sell worth a darn... and everyone suffered. One of the problems we experienced is that everyone wanted high speed options like CPM 440V blades, colored pocket clips, blue G10 handles, but when it came time to order.... well, you know how it is.

This is not to say that people didn't order the knife, it's just that had it been a bit more conventional, it probably would have sold better.

Suffice it to say that the Native wound up costing the forums more than we made from it, which was not the desired result.

We will probably do another "forums" knife, however, we won't go whole hog again with all the options like the Native. The idea, after all, is to please the greatest number of forumites and keep the price low enough for people to buy the knife.

...And another problem would to be to keep the cost down low enough so that ALL of us who wanted a "BladeForums knife" could afford to purchase one. I for one, do not have un-limited "disposable" income, and that is one of the main reasons why I limit myself to basic "production knives" for my purchases.
What did the Blue Native sell for when it came out? That was before my time, but I latched onto a used (like new, though) one for $80.00.

And when I saw it for sale, I jumped on it so quickly I didn't notice the guy selling it wasn't a "gold member!" OOPS! Sorry Kevin...:eek:

But I absolutely love it, though!

Are there any new forum Natives left? Or can you only get them through private sales/trade now?
I'm not even really suggesting taking it all the way to producing an actual knife, just an image of what the majority of members would agree is a well-appointed knife that isn't yet on the market. Nothing super innovative or fancy, just what you'd take along when you need a knife, something really understated with the features we can agree are necessary or at least beneficial. I'm more or less just trying to see what everyone is thinking about in relation to one-handers at this point in time. I can see someone saying they want a 5" S30V recurve fighter with a wave and cobra hood, D/A scale release with sculpted and anodized Ti slabs with CF inserts and an axis lock. Probably not something you'll see in the CRKT lineup anytime soon. :D
Could someone post a photo of the Blue Native knife.
I would love to see what it looks like.

A buddy of mine has one of those black blade/red handled Rekat carnivores that had the blade marked "". I think it is like 24 of 50, or something like that.still new. I think it is available.
I have both the red G-10 REKAT/Bladeforums Carnivore and Sifu.They are both beautiful knives that will remain mint in my collection.
My understanding was that only 20 of each were made in the first run and the second run of 30 was never completed.
What about the knife in the BF logo? It looks like something I would get if it ever went into production.
Darryl Ralph created the Apogee, a design idea that came up on-line when the general consensus among members was that the ultimate folder would have a full flat ground recurved blade made of CPM420V on an ergonomic titanium frame lock handle.
i think its a good idea. but keeping it cheap so *i* can buy one is important :). couldnt they also be sold to non BF members ? could also be a good advertising tool............
