Is Tom Krein accepting orders???

Oct 17, 2003
Hey fellas, anybody get in touch with him recently? his website links to a mailbox that is full. anyone know if Tom is taking orders right now?

Short answer = yes, Tom is taking orders.

Give him a call: 479-736-3444
I am proud to say that I have orders with Mr. Krein and Mr. Koster.......doesn't get much better than that!:D
Tom's a knifemaking machine! He's also a good friend of mine, who I would trust with my life. :thumbup:

Oh yeah, he's also taking orders. ;) :)
I have a Micro-Chef on order from Tom right now. Dan Koster is going to provide it with a funky hamon, but the design and double hollow-grind are pure Krein. Going nuts with anticipation. Ready to wear bermuda shorts and crash through a wall with a pitcher of drinks when I get it, too.

Oh yeah!
so if tom is too busy to check his emails, what's the best way to contact him, call him i guess?
madfast said:
so if tom is too busy to check his emails, what's the best way to contact him, call him i guess?

That would be my suggestion. Writing a letter takes too long, and a personal visit can be very expensive. A phone call is probably the way to go.
The other way would be to purchase a Bladeforums Basic Membership and then you could send him a PM. He does visit Bladeforums regularly.
Tom is out of town right now.

Drop him a line on Tuesday next week.

And no...I'm not his secretary...just happen to know he's out of town. :p
Thanks everyone! Just got back into town last night! Had to make a quick and unschedualed trip to North Dakota!

My Grandmother passed away last week and her funeral was on Friday. This was not really a bad thing as she was 98 years old and had lost her vission and hearing over the last 3-4 years. They just don't make them like her any more! What good memories I have of her from my childhood!! Was hard on my Dad and his brothers/sisters though! Even though my grandmother had not recognized them for the last 6 months this was the finalization.

I am taking orders and will be returning emails and phone calls today and tomorrow trying to get caught up. madfast should have room in the e-mail now or please feel free to give me a call. Would be more than happy to talk knives with you....or guns....or what ever!!!

.270 Weatherby I don't know why you were unable to contact me, but I promise it was not intentional! Feel free to post your phone number and I will give you a call or you can call/e-mail me.

