japanese sword makers marks

Oct 3, 2010
Are there web sites or books available to identify makers marks?
I cant seem to find anything useful on the web.
In the past six months I have had the opportunity to document(weigh, measure, photograph) two different katana's. Neither sword is mine, and I am curious about the marks.
I just Googled "Japanese Sword Translation Assistance" and found several sites that helped me identify a sword that my son has. I think it was the Nihonto Message Board that had a forum that would help translate the inscription on blades. My son's had WWII mounts and a blade made in 1547. It was worth the effort to me to find that out. You will need some really good pictures.
Thanks I'll try over there. Turns out my neighbour can read the characters, this sword could be made by Akitsugu Amata , he cant read the last 2 characters though.
Do a search for Japanese sword index. There's a wealth of information to be had there.
Rich Stein's site was the one I used years ago when I was 1st getting into nihonto. I particularly found it useful when learning more about the WW2 smoths Nagamitsu and Emura. Both those swords used to top off price wise at $1k in good condition, now they are upwards of $3-4k.