Journal of The Mind's Eye

I've had a couple of people ask questions about the brake line. I documented every part of a wheel cylinder blowing out back in 2018, how I closed off the line to get to a better location, and replacing the wheel cylinder. So I could do an article on that if there is interest.

Being something of a geek about bags (range, bugout, etc) and pouches, I would appreciate it if you would detail the contents of the one in your "Journal of the Mind's Eye" article ,and where you got the pouch.

And, yes, I would be interested in hearing about the wheel cylinder adventure.


Being something of a geek about bags (range, bugout, etc) and pouches, I would appreciate it if you would detail the contents of the one in your "Journal of the Mind's Eye" article ,and where you got the pouch.

And, yes, I would be interested in hearing about the wheel cylinder adventure.


Hi Joe,
Thanks for responding. Okay cool, and sure. That kit is one I put together for quick and easy grabbing and carrying. To have at least a minimal kit with me always, starting about 12 years ago when I started taking my daughter to the field to work with me when she was 3. It has developed over time to where it is now, and it tends to get at least somewhat reconfigured between the warm and cold seasons, but I can do an article on it and that, and the reasons for the various pieces of kit winning their spots in it over the years. And I'll start putting the piece on the brake line together as well.
Will look forward to your efforts, sir.


I'll be sending the article on the kit, it's varying contents, and how and why it evolved the way it has later tonight. Hopefully it will publish this Wednesday or next.