Just A Picture - Traditional Picture Show




Great knives all around but I must say I am particularly fond of that last photo!
Beautiful. That’s a killer gloss on the Snakewood 54. Did you use paste wax or something similar, or did it look that good right out of the tube?
Thanks Ratbert. Right out of the tube. Could be that snakewood is so hard it polishes well. Just a guess. o_O:)
Great photo of your Guardian Lambsfoot there Cambertree Cambertree :D
Thanks Ron - there's some really great photographers on the Porch. If they're the equivalent of a fine musician with the camera, I'd merely be of the humble garage punk school - phone camera only, and whatever's in my pockets and in the immediate vicinity as props. (Plus a few tips of colour and composition arrangement, I've learned from others.) So I'm pleased when a decent pic eventuates!
Good grief, Megalobyte, the fit on that one looks like perfection achieved. I can just barely make out the backspring.
Romano looks tasty. Amazing knife my friend!