Just bought my first Spyderco - Delica carbon fiber

Nov 7, 2003
which is a really nice looking knife. I wear a suit everyday and normally carry a Kershaw ken Onion chive (which is a great little knife and very useful around the office and at home - I'm totally satisfied with it). This is the most I've ever spent on a knife and I'm not entirely sure what to expect. The only "nice" knives I've owned are the Chive, a Cold Steel mid size voyager and a handful of vintage knives my father had (which aren't that valuable except for the emotional value - an old Boker in particular still finds its way into my pocket on occasion).

Anyway, it was a bit of an impulse buy - anyone willing to offer encouragement that I made an OK decision (or tell me I just threw $XX down the drain)? ;)
Well, it is Spyderco's best selling knife...

I can't imagine that all the people who have bought one made a wrong decision; I am thinking on buying one with any Christmas money that I receive.
Well I have five Delicas now and wish I had the coin to purchase a CF one. I really like the size of this knife as I have taken to carrying in my pocket while at work rather than have a knife clipped to my pocket. The Delica is a good size for general use, opening mail and packages and can cut up your sandwich or piece of fruit at lunch. The lunch thing is what stopped me from carrying the Kiwi, also a great little pocket knife for carry during work.
It sounds like you've had some good knives. I love the Chive myself. But the Delica is a great knife. :cool:

This summer I bought my father his first good knife. After weeks of research I ended up getting him a Carbon Fiber Delica (left-handed). He seems to be very pleased with it. It wasn't easy to find a knife that could handle heavy use while being light and dressy enough to wear every day with a suit. (My dad is a retired minister.)

--Bob Q
In another thread we were asked to list "...if you could only ;have 5 knives..." and the CF Delica was on my list, if that makes you feel better.

Enjoy it, it's probably one of the most useful production knives out there.

Thanks! I'll let everyone know my impressions when it arrives, although I'm worried about yet another addiction ;)
I've owned (and carried) the carbon fiber delica for about 2 months now. I have to say it's my favorite of my EDC's. I own a William Henry, a sebenza, some Benchmades, even other Spydercos, but for the combination of style, slim profile, light weight, cutting and edge holding ability, it can't be beat. Plus, it's not like it cost a fortune, so if I lose it, I won't feel too badly. I may not be able to replace it, since it's a limited run, but it still isn't as expensive as the sebenza, for instance.
Hope this helps.

OK, you got me started now on singing the praise of the delica... I'm sure some people have heard this story before (but so have I with my grampa's stories and I keep up with it too)

Me and some buddies were picking some cherries in an orchard owned by a friend of us. A guy started throwing some cherries at me from sheer boredom. I pure ninja style I slach at one with my VG-10 FRN delica and gues what? :eek: It sliced it cleanly in two halves ! Any knife that does that for that price I consider a good knife, very sheeple friendly too...