Just finished this one with a Ostrich leg bone handle(pic)

Hi Bruce. First flame I've ever done. That post was the most gratuitous piece of crap I've seen on any forum. It was especially galling on this one.

I fully meant to say during my rant that in point of fact that I have yet to see a post by you, other than the Makers Sale forum where you have in any way suggested that the knife you were displaying with photos was for sale. You are extremely scrupulous in that way. Was just too pissed at the pinhead to think as clearly as I should have. If he spent any time on this forum, he'd know what a tremendous contribution you make.

Sorry to have contributed to spoiling a great thread you began. It is still a beautiful knife. Methinks that maybe more of us ought to be reading the Makers Sale forum, and making use of it.

Asi es la vida

Bruce Evans has helped more people with his toutorals than anyone I know on this forum. He is dedicated to the craft and a real freind of all of us on Shop Talk. He is ours and we aim to keep him! Bruce D Bump
I look forward to seeing every knife you post pictures of. I really admire the work you do, it is awsome!!!!
This is an odd situation. For one, nobody wants to hear that they're wrong. And two, who's wrong or right is all relative anyway.

BUT...I will proudly take Bruce's side on this stand.

This is a little hauntingly familiar to some posts about Tom Mayo showing to many TNT's.

Personally, I want to see as many pictures of knives as we can get...whether it's Bruce's, Tom's, mine
or any of the other guys wanting to post them here.

To say that Bruce is advertising isn't really true. Of course it's a way for us makers to market ourselves by showing knives. But it's also a way of getting help on improving AND giving ideas to others.

I think that the more pictures you see of a maker's work, the easier it is to feel as though there is strong credibility in his advice. Bruce posts advice on the stuff he knows about...and doesn't try to give advice in areas he doesn't have experience. Obviously from his work he has a lot to offer.

Bruce, don't change anything.

It's like the debates over porn, if you don't want to watch it change the channel

So Justknives....I don't expect you to regress or apologize or the like as I'm sure you don't feel you're in the wrong...and I'm not saying that you are...I'm just saying Bruce is a great guy and I speak for MANY when I say that his posts are more than welcome here

There...my unbiased, honest view of this whole deal...


I love looking at pictures posted on the forums, especially Bruce's.
Fact is if one doesn't get to a lot of custom shows -- and I don't -- one won't get to see the new and different knives being made -- especially by custom makers. Indeed, I find it a bit frustrating to go into a post about a what a "great knife" someone has or has made and not be able to see a picture of it.

I am not a knifemaker but I read the "Shop Talk" just because I learn a lot about the process and concerns of making a knife. Makes me more of an educated buyer. Since Bruce has been here, he has certainly contributed his share of knowledge. I've seen some of the pictures of others whose work has benefited from tips offered by Bruce.

It's a pleasure to see those pictures as well as those by Bruce. These pictures certainly do influence whose work I become interested in. So, I guess that's advertising!?

The only suggestion I would make about posting pictures is perhaps to use thumbnails that enlarge when clicked. My computer is fairly old and I am using a 56K modem which only seems to get 33.3K speed at best on AOL. This means that posts with a lot of responses and pictures take up awhile to load. This cuts into the time I can use to look at other posts with pictures!
Guz K has a great thread going in the Custom Knife forum about how to do thumbnails. Since learning that, I have used that as the preferred method for posting pics.

Keep up the good work, Bruce. Look forward to my spearpoint Bowie!!!!

AKTI #A000356

PS. Oh yeah, it is true that each of the forums has its own denizens, some of whom rarely venture out to other forums on this site. For example, for most of the last couple of years, I barely participate in the General Forum though I quickly glimpse through thread titles every so often. The sites has grown tremendously since I've been here and so has the "bickering" unfortunately. Most of the flames occur in the General Forum which makes me want to stay away from there. I feel sorry for the moderators there as there is a lot to keep up with... This forum, on the other hand, is pretty much self-moderated.

[This message has been edited by sing (edited 06-22-2001).]
Thanks everybody.I really apriceate all the kind words,and everybody sticking up for me.
I will take Sings advice and go learn how to post the thumbnails so my posts won't take so long to load....

Bruce Evans Handcrafted Knives
The soul of the Knife begins in the Fire!!!!!
Member of,AKTI#A000223 and The American Bladesmith Society
bruce you keep posting those pictures of those fine knives you make in as many forums as you like. you are a gent, and knives are what we do.and damm right their for sale. it's our livelyhood!

Laurence Segal www.RHINOKNIVES.com
Bruce, No disrespect at all to sing but I also like the full pictures. They don't take long to load and you lose a little of the grandure with the thumbnails. having one of your knives pop up is a little like seeing the entire bay after going through the Hampton tunnel. It's breathtaking and damn good PR for your knives.
My my don't we jump anything negative with all fours! And you call me the troll?
I don't recall saying anything about Bruce not being a great guy or otherwise. I mearly stated that posting 4 full size pics in so many different forums struck me as just a bit overdone. Nor did I ever mention Bruce didn't contribute here, though I don't understand why that should make a big difference. I too love seeing pics of new knives, just not the same ones in every forum I frequent. Why not post them in the appropriate picture forum then in all others simply a link?
I had no intention of causing a big stink over my comment and it seems there are a few here just itching to jump down somebodies throat and overreact, yet they call me the troublemaker? I guess only they are allowed to voice their opinion on these forums? Anyone who disagrees or says anything negative is a troll? God how I love these one way streets
Bugs.....maybe this is why some of us don't have hundreds or thousands of posts here?? duh! Maybe you should only allow new members that wholly agree with you all to be members here so there will never be anymore negative comments and "trolls".
Bruce, the pics you have posted show nice work indeed and I enjoy seeing them.
Bruce, am not sure why this "justknives" person insists on attempting to interject his philosophy on forum operations. But, it obviously runs true to his basic form.

I did a bit of searching last nite. Found his first post. Guess what? He tried to tell Paracelsus what a poor job of Moderating he was doing. Got it locked, and was rightfully labelled a troll.

Then, displaying his true colors, he made a second post reminiscent of his last one here, pretending to apologize, but using a sarcastic thread title. Of course, in his view he was blameless. Took no responsibility for the inappropriateness of his post. That got locked too.

As so many have said, and you promised to do, keep posting as you see fit. Maybe the troll will ultimately go away for good.

Asi es la vida

Justknives, I don't recall calling you a troll ( although if you can hear my muttering is means "*******") and I don't remember jumping down your throat. I don't know where you come from but down here...there isn't any mistaking it when I jump.
Bruce, I have a question. You said you stabalized it in poly....I have a source for fossil whale bones but I have found them too brittle to use. Do you think the poly treatment may add enough strength to make them usable?

oops Bruce....Wrong bone handle but the question still stands.

[This message has been edited by peter nap (edited 06-22-2001).]
First off, gorgeous blade Bruce. I think the fellow that has stirred the hornet's nest has overlooked a certain important piece of his own dichotomy. His somewhat truculent point concerning your-in his opinion, redundancy could carry some relevance had it been formed as a constructive argument, say as a suggestion to review the possible merits of thumbnails. To his chagrin however, he instead chose to assume you were shamelessly self promoting. I would think that should he try to join our community instead of arrogantly attempting to change it, he would understand that we all like to exhibit our craft to our peers for critique and admiration. The techniques we share, the love of the craft we are part of can most completely be experienced only as it is here. We are a small community and are dependent on each other for what we can share as very few people understand the true complexity of steel as we use it. Speaking for myself, I invite this fellow to participate with an open, less judgemental mind and see for himself what a truly tight, sharing, supportive group we are. Bruce, you have been invited to many other forums for many good reasons, not least being your superb craftmanship and beyond generous willingness to help other makers.DON'T STOP. If this dissenter wishes to waste his time being small, oh well. He at least will offer us something to chuckle at. He does need to carefully spell the word ASS-U-ME. See ya soon Bruce. P.S. Don't you think it cool that as he attempted to minimize your presence here he has brought large attention to you and your work? COOL.

Who is John Galt?
Thanks again everybody,But I think it's time to stop the arguing here.
Peter,I also stabilized this bone on this handle.I feel that it does help the strength of the bone when it is stabilized.You could try putting a thin backing of Nickel silver or Brass or something like that and set a lot of pins in the handle and that should make it srongenough for your handle.Hope this helps out some.

Bruce Evans Handcrafted Knives
The soul of the Knife begins in the Fire!!!!!
Member of,AKTI#A000223 and The American Bladesmith Society
bugs3, interject my philosophy? Wanting to simply have the same right as you to voice an opinion without getting flack because it differs from yours? I see now that the 3 in your nick must be your iq. Keep trying, someday you will find that clue

peter nap, I don't believe I addressed you either.
OK Just Knives,I Believe that this is enough out of you.I have tried to be nice and not get sarcastic or anything,But this is my Post and I really don't appriceate the fact that you have come on it and tried to start some SH## with me or others here.
As you can see You are the only one that thinks that I am doing anything that I shouldn't.I have been making these same types of posts for 2 years and have been very careful to try and not seem pushy with my knives.I enjoy these forums and the people here.Being a full time maker takes up 90 percent of my time and I don't really have any buddies around anymore as they don't understand the infatuation with Knives like other makers do,So this is where I come to wind down at the end of the day or during the day sometimes.I like to show off the new Ideas that I have for my knives and the new things that I have tried.There has never been a problem with this before and probably wont be again.
If you want my opinion here DON"T POST HERE ANYMORE !!!!! unless you have something to say that is benaficial to the forums or can be helpful to us all.I don't appriceate this SH## at all.
I hope that I don't offend anybody else here but I am the kind of guy who will ask nicely and explain myself but enough is enough and I can have a Bad side.
I have asked Kit to lock this post as it is getting out of control.This is the first time I have ever had to do this and I hope that it is the last!!!!
If you are interseted in my work or help that is fine but if all you want to do is give me a hard time please pass my posts by.
I will take helpful criticism from anybody and I welcome it all the time as that is the only way I will grow as a knife maker....
To all my friends that have stuck up for me I THANK YOU !!! but please lets let this DIE...
This is just how I feel!!!!

Bruce Evans Handcrafted Knives
The soul of the Knife begins in the Fire!!!!!
Member of,AKTI#A000223 and The American Bladesmith Society
Just a bump in the road, Bruce...
Don't sweat it...
Empty barrels...

Bruce, another gorgeous knife!!!! The way you did your mark is a very nice touch! I sure hope I can master that vine pattern filing like you do!Outstanding!

Take care!! Michael

Always think of your fellow knife makers as partners in the search for the perfect blade, not as people trying to compete with you and your work!

Cooper Custom Knives
Buzzards gotta eat, same as worms!!!