just finished watching Last of the Mohicans again

Jun 17, 2004
I had a couple of hours to kill, while i waited for the wife to return from her bobcat tracking training class. So, inspired by my small collection of ATC products lying about the living room, I popped in my DVD of Last of the Mohicans. I forgot how much use hawks had in that movie. If you have not seen it yet, go out and rent it tonight. It is worth it just for the fight scenes.
LOTM is a staple for the Tomahawk enthusiast...

Our friend Bob Taylor, formerly of REKAT (Hobbitt Warrior Knife) fame, was the inspiration behind the instructor who trained the actors.
Cool, I didn't know that! I have been a fan of the warrior for some time. I have an early AL Mar made model. On a few occasions, I have spotted the hobbit version at knife shows, but never got around to picking one up. It is definitely on my 'must have' list.
Ended up watching LOTM twice that day, as my Wife came in during the last 2 minutes, and insisted that she get to see what she had missed. Can't say I minded too much.
What was the weapon that Chingochkook {sic} was using? It looked like a rifle stock, I've seen it at powwows. Some of the other indians in the movie were using it. Was it just used by eastern tribes?
I've done a little looking around on the gunstock war clubs. You can find them around to buy: http://www.crazycrow.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=849-000-000 . This one seems to be the basic i've fond around the internet. The tribal Fijian club looks similiar and is also sometimes called a gunstock club http://users.bigpond.net.au/tribalmelbourne/oceanicart.htm . If you're interested here's an e-bay link with some listings or just google 'gunstock war club' and you can find some good ones at trading posts around the country. http://search.ebay.com/Gunstock-Club_W0QQfkrZ1QQfnuZ1QQxpufuZx .
I caught it for the first and second time this last week. Good flick. I am all for a gun stock war club. Mayde a nice solid piece of hickory and a forged spike, what do you say Andy? :)
I just saw that again a couple days ago myself. I've liked the look of Chingotchkook's weapon since I first saw the movie, back in high school, but never done any research on it. Thanks for the info. Also, I'm not sure about this but I could swear the one in the movie looks as though it's made of iron, instead of wood, now that would rule. An iron motha' sharpened on all 3 sides.
