Ken Coats X-mas Eve Giveaway

Apr 20, 2005
I am going to give away a christmas tree celluloid toothpick to the first person
that guesses the first year I sold a knife. This will be for the first year that I sold a knife that I actually made the blade on. This contest doesn't count for people that I have told that year to. Frame on this knife is 410ss and the liners and bolsters are integral, its a nice slip joint.

Great gesture, Ken! Congrats in advance to the lucky winner!!!
Looks like 2003 is still available. So I'll take 2003. Thanks for the contest.

Merry Christmas to you!
Ken,I'll try 1985 and Safe & Happy Holidays to you & Yours
Thank You for the generous G-A,and the continued offerings of your knives for sale on BF's,it's all great!
what a perfect knife, I love it, If I don't win, I want to purchase one! Ill say 1991