Kershaw JYD - Tip up mod/clip?


Fixed Blade EDC Emisssary
Jan 12, 2013
I've been eyeing one of these for a bit now - Large solid manual flipper with a D2 edge. Tops. Only problem - it comes tip down only. I can't swing that. Tip down + flipper + bumped pocket = open knife. It might not be a realistic concern, but I can't bring myself to carry a knife set up like that.


Before I buy one, I'd like to know - would you prep it for tip-up, and roughly how much would it run?
I've been eyeing one of these for a bit now - Large solid manual flipper with a D2 edge. Tops. Only problem - it comes tip down only. I can't swing that. Tip down + flipper + bumped pocket = open knife. It might not be a realistic concern, but I can't bring myself to carry a knife set up like that.


Before I buy one, I'd like to know - would you prep it for tip-up, and roughly how much would it run?

No sir. I've tried to be sure to put this out there so folks could see it but word still is slow getting out I guess. As of back in early 2012 I quit drilling and threading deciding after serious thought that since fully 95% of all I'm asked to do is for pre-drilled factory knives that it just holds up the show to take that much time to do those jobs I can barely justify $45 for when I've got the pre-drilled stuff all the time pretty much so steady that if I don't keep up real time it gets ahead of me right quick. Basically it boiled down to the wisest use of the time I do have each week to dedicate to this hobby. In the time I would spend to do these drilling and threading jobs I could do three or more regular clips so I don't even stock the stuff to do that anymore and have not even made any locking folders of my own, just slip joints in the last two years due to the clip and pry demand. The clips were pretty much world wide for me and have been for years but thanks to a guy name of "Nutnfancy" on youtube now my prybars are also and when he kicked those into high gear also well, something had to give man!. Not that I'm setting the world on fire but as far as hobby interests go well, my dance cart is pretty much full most days. Whats left the wife pretty much fills up with those dreaded honey dos! ;)Thanks tho.

Ah, bummer. I'd read that you had stopped doing most custom work, but I figured a clip-related job might still be fine. Thank you for your time!