Khukuri law suit? How stupid!

Apr 27, 1999
Was just going through the September '99 issue of Guns & Ammo. On page 114 in the Cooper's Corner section is a paragraph that says:

And now we learn of a customer who is attempting to sue the fabricator of his kukri on the grounds that he cut himself on it. Poor Baby! I suggest we pay him off with a packet of Band Aids and a can of chicken soup.

My comments on this suit are unprintable and would likely get me banned forever. Anyone else have something to add?

When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side.......
Sun-Tzu 400 BC

Such is life in this once great nation of ours.
I busted my butt many times on my tricycle.I busted my butt and balls on my bike.i have been shot with BB guns.Thrown knives and had them bounce back an stick me.
Now everyone wants to be protected from everything.
mommas won't let thier sick kids go to camp,because they are afraid for them.i had to add that because of a support group I am on for seriously sick people.I am getting better.Thank you!.

The answer lays at our feet.Register and vote,But be dayumed sure you know just what you're voteing on.
_We_ are still the government _we_ blame for so much BS. only _WE_ can stop the madness.IMO.
Wait for the one on the parying knife Blackdog.
I am sure it will be coming someday.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.

I think the government should initiate a class action lawsuit against Gurkha House, Himalayan Imports, Cold Steel, and Atlanta Cutlery for contributing to the cost of health care in this country. After all, we sell our products without a safety mechanism and it is specifically designed to do one thing - kill things and chop wood. As a matter of fact, why doesn't someone boycott us (khukuri owners) for killing so many trees.

Perhaps the reasonable answer should be a national khukuri waiting period, or a law requiring people to show a need to possess such an "unsportsman-like" knife. With all the movies glorifying khukuri violence (Austin Powers, for example), it's no wonder that people like us can't be trusted.

Of course, I hope everybody realizes that this is a Johnathan Swiftian parody

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

What you said is very, very sad. It's so sad because it's true. Somewhere along the line the defination of freedom has been distorted.

At one time freedom meant freedom to choose. Along with these choices came consequences, whether good or bad. You make the choice, you live with the consequences.

Many people today think that freedom means being free FROM the consequences of their choices. In fact, they demand it. They cut themselves with knives or burn themselves with hot coffee, but it's not their fault. The jury proved it when they awarded them a settlement in court. They rape and murder and steal, but it's not their fault. The jury said so and they are walking the streets again as free men.

They say that we can use either the soap box, the ballot box or the bullet box to change our society. Let's pray it doesn't come to use of that third choice.

I vote and I encourage all of the forumites to do the same. In a democracy we get the government we deserve!!


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side.......
Sun-Tzu 400 BC


I believe your suggestion to initiate the forthcoming rash of Khukuri laws is a good one. In order to do justice to such a move there are two additional items that need to be added:
  • A two Khukuri per month purchase limit. Our 2nd ammendment is being interpreted now to protect our right to keep and bear arms for duck hunting. No reasonable duck hunter should need more than 2 Khukuris at one time.
  • Mandatory trigger locks installed on all Khukuris. I know, Khukuris do not have triggers. The Kamis will be confused. However, we could form a Senate sub-committee that would go to Nepal. They would convince the Kamis to install triggers on the knives so that we could then install trigger locks. This would, in turn, result in a far greater degree of safety in the homes where Khukuris are kept. The good Senators could also try to convince the Kamis to trade their outdated ideas of hard work, dedication to craft, and belief in God for a more enlightened way of life. Surely the joys of no-fault living, frivolous litigation, and political correctness would appeal to them. After all, if it's good enough for America it must be good for them too. Right?


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side.......
Sun-Tzu 400 BC

Don't forget about the waiting period! And of course, the two khukuri per month limit makes sense to normal people, as we only have two hands, right? Oh, I almost forgot -they should remove the cho, as it turns normal khukuris into assault knives. And what's this thing about the chakma and karda. Definitely not needed in today's modern society. It's not what the founding father's meant - obviously!
You mean that thing is a knife!!! .... I mean....well, It LOOKED like a Boomerang....and I just thought.... Hmmmm, so much for my "design flaw" lawsuit.

Clay G.

Craig, I just hope we don't hear Chuckie Schumer reading your post verbatim without the last sentance on the Senate floor demanding a new law to protect "our children". I never thought I'd see a worse senate pair than California has given us but if the people of New York elect Hillary God help us all!

who dares, wins

Yes, what about OUR CHILDREN. Do it for THE CHILDREN. This is a political rave now, but I must say that I get visibly upset when "they" use that mantra. And I especially love it when anybody who is against their policy is, by extension, against THE CHILDREN. Tactically, "they" seem to always have the upper hand. Will we ever learn, or are we just too self-respecting to stoop to their level? There, I said it. Of course, in all seriousness, we all would probably be branded "sick" for liking such a "style" of knife as the khukuri.

Craig Gottlieb
Gurkha House
Blade Forums Sponsor

You said it and I'M glad. If we're to be branded as "sick" for liking Khukuris, then put me on the list as a "Sickie". I hope to join the ranks of the "Senior Sickies" (20 or more Khukuris) some day.


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side.......
Sun-Tzu 400 BC

Anyone with over 100 is entitled, in my opinion, to the title of "Exaulted Sickie" and should stand as one of our representatives to the Democratic and Republican National committees.


When the world is at peace, a gentleman keeps his sword by his side.......
Sun-Tzu 400 BC
