Recommendation? Khukuri uses for saplings and limbs (green wood)

Dec 30, 2008
Do you all find more heft up front with a more broad blade a hindrance or benefit when trying to remove 1-2” saplings and branches of the same size or a bit larger? Do khukuri with less belly up front but still front heavy do better with this kind of work? Do they split wood well?
No answer! Brutal. We got you sorted out in our subforum though.
However, maybe in future someone will have a similar question so an answer may as well be available.

An otherwise identical blade with higher heft up front will generally always chop better and bite deeper. However it will be less controllable (especially on overswings) and can also be more fatiguing as you get it up to speed.
Belly width is one way of putting weight up front as well as spine thickness but it also sometimes used to create a taller, leaner bevel. It's hard to isolate belly width as a specific performance factor in choppers. As blades get more momentum (longer, heavier, further forward balance) they become better at splitting. Splitting is a job that is uniquely improved by thicker spines which help to wedge and push the blade apart. This same wedging can negatively impact chopping performance in deeper cuts. Think of a splitting maul compared to a felling axe for a comparison.

Take care,
Andrew and the team at Kailash