Knife Photos Are Worthwhile

Dec 7, 2000
Just a plug for our various knife photographers - they are worth every penny. Recently Blade graciously published a photo taken by PointSeven, and I've had more orders off that one photo than I can keep up with. It's paid for itself several times over and added to my mailing list too. :D Worth thinking about, money well spent. I'd put professional photography right up there with a metal cutting band saw... ;)
So some searches for posts by Phil, you will learn a lot about photograhy and he is honestly interested in and dedicated to developing the photo skills of bladesmiths. As you have learned there is great benefit to those who work at it, the professionals are a good investment to those who do not wish to develop their own skills.
You're right of course, Ed. We should all learn to photograph our work well.

What I should have said was that I think one of the benefits you get from having a pro do the photography is their submission to the trade publications. Editors are human and like things coming at them in a uniform way; knife photographers know what they're looking for and that makes the pro photos more likely to be placed. I'm sure that had I submitted the same photo it wouldn't have gotten the attention it did. I'd bet this comes down to a simple editorial bias towards a known quantity; it's just networking and that's part of what you pay for. That's all I was trying to say. :)
How come I'm not on your mailing list? :D

(seriously, toss me in there.)