Knife tought by elder?

Grandfather mainly and dad. I'm starting my son earlier than I. I gave him his first blade at 8 years old, an old Schrade Stockman I found on a fishing trip. I wanted him to learn slipjoints first so he would respect the fact that a blade can come back to bite you.

We spend time in the garage sharpening knives, throwing knives (Old Hickory's) and tomahawks. He's getting a good knack for handling and caring for his blades. His collection has grown to a SAK, my old Endura and a few CRKT's. He's been eyeing my Skirmish and Ranger's but I told him that comes when he starts making his own money!
None of the elders in my family are into knives. Actually, I think I am the only one at any age. I got most (if not all) of my knife knowledge from Blade Forums! I am hoping to pass some of my knowledge on. I gave SAKs to my brother, sisters, 2 BIL's, and 2 co-workers.

My younger brother always sees me tinkering around with knives but never seemed to be to interested in carrying his own. A few weeks ago he dug up an old Wenger he had laying around and showed it to me. :) He's only 23, there is hope for him.
hatchetjack said:
I wanted him to learn slipjoints first so he would respect the fact that a blade can come back to bite you.

Agree completely. The first nick is quite the educational experience. :D

Cool screen name BTW. I have my own DVD of Jerimiah Johnson.