KnifeMaker Category? Yea or Nay?


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
Dan brought up a suggestion that I've been contemplating for months:

The KnifeMaker's sections of this website are spread out all over hell and gone. They would probably be well served by being consolidated into their own category containing: Shop Talk, the KnifeMaker for sale areas, and the Gallery. I think the KnifeMaker's category could be rounded out with a few more forums, but that's up to you guys.

What do you think?
I agree - and yes I do plan on paying my way, but cash flow has been too up and down this last year so.
I'm not sure. What specific problem are you trying to solve? If it ain't broken...

The gallery is visited and populated largely by collectors, either in addition to or rather than knifemakers. Visitors to the "for sale from knifemakers" are likely to be collectors to.
I always figured shop talk was a makers area.
I do visit display and sales areas.
Lets do it
TJ Smith
I agree, bring the knifemakers sections altogether.Also by bringing the makers sales into a more visited and easier to find area like shop talk, might make it a lot easier for some of these guys to come up with the membership fee. I like it.

Yes! I was all for this a couple of years ago. The all inclusive title "Knifemakers" will be a bonus too. :D
I donno Spark. Is the board going to crash again if we try it :footinmou :footinmou :footinmou :eek: Sorry..Old age humor.

The idea sounds fine to me