Lack Of "Buzz" On Mean Streets & Bad Apples?

Feb 26, 2002

Maybe it is my imagination as a newbe but I do not see many pictures, stories or much news, discussion or excitement from Mean Streets or Bad Apple owners as compared to say the BM, SH, NO, SJ or MS . If true, why not?

For example, I would enjoy peoples thoughts on the design and performance of the Mean Streets versus the Assault Shaker.
If I haven't previously welcomed you, welcome to the Busse Forum :D:D

Part of the reason there isn't much talk of the MS and Bad Apple may be that there is only one Bad Apple that I know of around(DN's) and that since the MS is discontinued it may have taken on more of the role of collectible.

I still have one MS that is a user but I've also retired one. :D:D

As far as comparing the AS to the MS it really isn't a fair comparison as they are meant for differnt roles. I like my AS but as far as I'm concerned it doesn't equal the abilities of the MS.
Hanover, welcome to the forum.....Did someone say BAD APPLE!!!!! :)

First let me agree with you, very little gets said about this little beauty. I've tried several times to bring her into the light, but my success only seems to be limited to one or two days at best, lol

I bought a Bad Apple CG at the NYC show back in November and she is one of my primary users...goes almost everywhere with me. Will probably go everywhere as soon as she returns from Dave Browns house of goodness ;)

The Mean Street was extinct well before my initiation into the Busse world so I never got a chance to use one. However I love the Bad Apple. The design is so light yet strong it makes a perfect daily companion. Since all the INFI is naked I was first concerned about stains or tarnish problems, but none have occured what so ever since the purchase.

If you would like any specific information on the Bad Apple please let me know, it is my pleasure to spread the word. I have a full photoshoot on my website of Mean Street & Bad Apple comparison photos if you have time to look at them. The Bad Apple came up in conversation over on the Busse Combat forum and many people asked for some photos of the two together.

I know Marc sold a bunch at the show but I'll be damned if I can find a single one besides mine.
I (also :D) welcome you to the Busse forum! You should stick around.

As to your question, the only thing I can think of adding to Eric and DN's responses is about the Bad Apple. It is from the Custom Shop, and is significantly more limited and expensive than regular CG models (I think they are something like $500+/- for Custom Shop Combat Grade). Also, they haven't been around that long, also limiting the amount of people who have one.
Combat Grade - $475.00 w/ Micarta Insert
Custom Grade - $525.00+ w/ Custom Natural Material Insert

I've come back to this thread a couple times, so far the urge to post a pic has been under control. Sorry....I'm a weak man :D

p.s. - She is a daily user, no collection status for this Busse ;)
A belated welcome to the Busse forum. I carry my Lean Mean Street
alot. The LMS and the SJ are my favorite Busse's.:D
Welcome aboard. One explaination could be sheer numbers. There are far more of the blades of common posting in common use.
Of all my knives, including a SHII, the only knife that gets more use than my DWMS is my Sebenza, only because I can carry it legally every day.

The Mean Streets were a phenomenal blend of size, strength, and utility. I have mine pretty much all the time in the tool kit in my car, or when I'm doing work around the house. It's often less obtrusive to "non-knife" folks at work or on my belt on a trail hike. If you can find one, I highly recommend it.

It's my understanding that Jerry has hinted around about something in mind for the future in the "Mean Street" category. I say bring it on! :)
My Steel Heart and Mean Street are with me on weekend excursions.

I work in an office environment where carrying fixed blades are terminable offenses.

I like my Lean, but still prefer my standards.