Larry Chew Doctor Pattern


Custom Knife Forum Mod
Feb 25, 1999
His first slipjoint and multiblade. Screwed together.Carbon Fiber.Nicely done.
3 1/16" blade, 3" spatula. S30 blade and Sp.
Calls it the "Doctor Morgan" after yours truly. Very flattered.Also it was a gift from my friend

Wonderful knife. Please bring it to the BAKCA show in a couple weeks. I would love to see it.

Will Larry be at the show?
You dog you! :D. (You better fix me up :))
Larry will be at the BAKCA show.He is also working on an "Auto" version of the "Dr. Morgan":D :D :D

This is one of those knives where, if you had covered up the name and said "guess the maker," no one would have ever guessed Larry Chew. It shows just how diverse his talents really are. And an automatic Doctor's knife? That will be a special knife indeed!
Carbon Fiber scaled slip joint, very nice! Wonder if there will be any trappers in the future <hint hint>
