Let's talk straight razors.

here is all I have on them looks like a usa mfg. dates I cant help with. as far a value it is worth what someone would pay for it.
Electric Cutlery Co
Newark New Jersey
I got an old genco deroma off the 'bay super cheap and sent it out to get honed, already had a strop, and I got into the straight game for less than $50 :D
yes that would be correct to steep on the stroke either shin or strop, kn4wd on b and b and srp as well as here and the shave den as well. stropping is kind of an art form start and stay slow till the technique is advanced enough to warrant speed I can do 100 licks linen 100 leather in under a minute but I have been with straights my entire shaving career bout 45 yrs now. my old barber was my mentor, in his 90's now and we still visit and chat. he has quite a collection of straights and hones, several vintage strops willed to me. I think the world of that man and will dearly miss him when his time comes. he is the only person in the world I woul let put a razor against my face, and I would trust him to shave me today. I used to take my straights there and hone and strop them in his shop.he always said I did him a favor because the customers got a kick out of a 14 yr old using a strop. later as my skill picked up I honed and stropped his razors. he has the finest collection of eschers I have ever saw.20 is not too young to start it is a totally different shave when you learn the basics. do you need a straight, I can see if anyone has anything on the forums. there are about 5 I know of that wouldn't stretch the truth or go out of their way to tell you anything you needed to know about a razor they had for sale

That's a great story, thanks for sharing it! My barber got me into this as well, I was fascinated by watching him hone, strop, and trim me up around the ears with a straight. Good memories.
Recently came upon 3 Sheffield razors. All are similar in size, {B3/4 and W3/4 on the Invictas and the IXL is of similar size and shape}. All three came in original cases with one marked IXL by George Wostenholm and Son while the other two are marked Invictas by E.M. Dickinson. Not sure if they would be usable although I don't intend to try. Someone else will have the privilege of experimenting. Anyone have an opinion on any of them?
I might be interested in the ixl the invictas I have never heard of. if the ixl is in good shape I might buy it though.
If you want "the one" right off the bat, check out Butch Harners straight razors. "Butcherblock" here on BF.

He does make a mean razor. I have shaved with a few of them...and had to have one of my own.

There are some other fantastic custom makers out there that I might suggest also.

Regardless of what anyone decides to use, be sure to have it properly honed. It will make a LOAD of differnce in performance. A lot of guys have shared stories with me about how their razor works great in spite of haveing it properly honed. Then I hone it for them and they have an a-ha moment;) There are plenty of qualified razor honing specialists out there, look one up if you have not already;)
