Light Chopper - Not just for the woods! Lazy Sunday thing...

Feb 23, 2015
Just a stupid Sunday kind of thing...

I was sitting on the couch, watching Ridiculousness on MTV and wondering what the Hell a Fandom Award is when my wife walked by and said she was going to go outside and trim back the Wisteria. The gardening is her thing so imagine her surprise when I leapt up shouting "I'll do it! I'll help!" and ran down the hallway. Literally ran to get the Light Chopper.

Needless to say, Wisteria is NO MATCH for the LC. And neither are Rhododendron bushes. But don't trim those without permission. Yikes!

The LC keeps growing on me.

awesome! :thumbup::thumbup:

thanks for putting a smile on my face
Why, yes it can! Hope you can make out the clippings and line of tall grass versus short grass.





Didn't think this through. Wife was all "Are you just going to leave it like that? How 'bout you mow the rest of the yard now, Genius?"

Curse you, Justin!
Hahahaha. <3

I mowed mine yesterday and half way through stopped to check. Cuts it without swinging hard or too fast.

Very nice!
Lol. The things we do for fun. My wife comes out to check on me, and then usually just walks off shaking her head :D