Like we didn't have enough already...

Feb 22, 1999
...this new forum will be the "coup de grace" (*) for my wallet! Like we didn't have enough knives to buy, now I have already spent $80 on two new flashlights, and it's only a few days since this forum has opened...

(*) How do you call this in english? If you betray your country in the wartime, you will face a military execution, and the "coup de grace" will be the final shot that the officer in charge will deliver to your head, just to make sure that you are dead and have died without suffering.
No kidding about this forum. How the heck did I live without multiple LED flashlights prior to a few days ago?


--Frank C.
This new forum is somewhat similar to the Knives Testing and Reviews forum (in effect, that is), in that if a new gadget gets talked about, we get tempted to buy it just to see "what it's really all about".

Reading about the reviews and stuffs are the most influencial things to my buying spree.

Geez... I can hear wallets crying in anguish already... hehehehe..
