Long time forum member Rhesus Feces has passed

Sad to hear. Godspeed, Josh.
Somehow I missed this whole thread earlier this week. This is very crappy, we will miss you RF. RIP
Not sure how I missed this thread too.

RIP Josh and condolences to the family.
Just got WiFi back after a month without it and trying to catch up here and I see this. Damn.
sad news. my condolences to his family and friends. R.I.P.
Damn..Sorry to hear
Funny guy- Will miss seeing his posts.

RIP Josh

Saw this last night for the first time, Josh's sense of humor was freaking unique. Didn't always agree on things, but who does. Sad to hear he passed, I have a flashlight he sent me a few years ago, I'll think of him when I see it in the house.

Condolences to his family. RIP Josh.
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