Looking for info on a stealth raider

Aug 3, 2013
I was in a pawn shop and they had a Stealth Raider, I am curios when this knife was discontinued and if any one has one. Would they recommend it.
Does it look like a stiletto or a bowie knife? If it looks like a stiletto avoid it if it looks like a bowie buy it.

Before the Ka Bar Mk2 came along there was a Fairbairn Sykes copy Marine Raiders used made by a couple different manufacturers. Unfortunately they were also pretty fragile just dropping one could break the tip. After that came a big fat Bowie knife the V44. This was also made by different manufacturers. It was huge and very tough the current Ontario SP10 Marine Raider is based off the V44. The V44 only was in service a year before the Ka Bar Mk2 came along. Both the stiletto and V44 designs are still made. Case makes a pretty good V44(its actually manufactured by Ontario)and of course Ontario's own SP10. There are many Fairbairn Sykes copies made in many different steels.

Or this "stealth raider" is something else completely. More info needed....
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