Looking for Pine Pitch

Aug 13, 2002
I want to make a mixture of beeswax and pine pitch like Chuck suggest in his video for my thread.
The only thing I found nearby was at the horse place and it was beech tar. The guy said that it replaced pine pitch. Yeah right! He has been smelling horses for a little too long. Man is the stuff nasty and on top of that kind of poisonous or something, anyway...
So do I go collect pine resin and melt it to use with my beeswax or can I actually find this stuff to buy somewhere?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

No problem Chuck, I am glad they can still be of use.

Thanks for the info, I'll start by trying to collect my own if you say it can be done. If it doesn't work, I'll order some.

Pat go to your local feed and seed store, or vet, they use pitch on horses hoves. You can get it by the quart. A word of caution a little goes a long way!
My Dad used to have the same mix in a shoe repair kit he had when the family lived on the farm. I mixed my own beeswax and Pine Tar I got from a local feed and seed store. The first mix was too tacky so remelted and added some more beeswax. "So if a first you don't succeed, go to plan B"!
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