Making a Katana for my Teen Daughter

Crag the Brewer

I make Nice, boring knives
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2018
Literally the old Katana post was closed Before I could hit POST....
I'll use this as good timing, and steer this discussion in a positive, and recent direction.

I like swords.
I grew up in the 70's and 80's.
Lots of S&S movies, Lots of Ninja movies.

My teen daughter has been asking me for a Katana for a few years......
Now, that I am a (Knifemaker), I think it's time I start looking at ways to appease her. idk?
I don't know much about them, is there a beginner course, something to be mindful of designing and making one.

I am a stock removal kind of guy.
Not concerned with steel choice, yet. I like them all...
Maybe with a wood handle. (Probably not wrapped)
I don't need it to be a literal katana, and I don't' want to be disrespectful of their traditions. I will add my mix of flavor as well. But I'd like to make it as best as I can.

This will be a big, long, time consuming project.
But I'd like to get this started in the planning stages.

Thanks for all your help!

I'll be re reading your posts a few times, Thank You.
I'm thinking less detailed, more beater, than Yours.
Especially, since it's my first.
I don't have a Lot of grinding experience with long lengths.
I'm working on my third, so this is mostly a learning experience.
My ego thinks I can do it, maybe a coup!e of them? Haha
I just went for it. It was my first sword. I could do better now but I'm still pretty happy with it. Feel free to PM with any questions. It's funny that your daughter inspired you as it was my daughter who was excited about the one I did.
I'll be re reading your posts a few times, Thank You.
I'm thinking less detailed, more beater, than Yours.
Especially, since it's my first.
I don't have a Lot of grinding experience with long lengths.
I'm working on my third, so this is mostly a learning experience.
My ego thinks I can do it, maybe a coup!e of them? Haha
I can’t help out too much but Walter Sorrells has lots of great videos on his process for making Japanese swords over on YouTube. I think he’s got a DVD or more videos on his website.

Man, if I ever have a kid and they ask me to make them a sword I’d be so proud. Sounds like a fun project!
I can’t help out too much but Walter Sorrells has lots of great videos on his process for making Japanese swords over on YouTube. I think he’s got a DVD or more videos on his website.

Man, if I ever have a kid and they ask me to make them a sword I’d be so proud. Sounds like a fun project!

She's Really the Best kid!!! I'm not just saying that.
I feel bad that it's taking so long.
When I told the family that I was wanting to start making knives, and why....
Her first thing she said was asking for me to make a katana. I'm surprised she even knew that word? Haha!

She has one of the first 20 Becker Bk62's that were released.
Ethan came on the forums then, and let us know where/when?

I was lucky enough to snag one. Which seemed like a Lot of money then ($120)
Then, cleaning it up and oiling the scales, I had a mishap....and I was lucky enough to be the first confirmed "victim" to that release. ....getting 7 stitches.

She helped me cut them off, and pull them out.
Before then, after the cut, she was curious to look inside the wound. And the whole family went to urgent care. Quite the learning experience.
So she knows the realities of what can happen....and with having a dumb father. ;p

Her 16th is the end of March.
I better get going! Idk If I can do all that by then? Yikes
A simple ninjato would not be hard for a stock removal maker. Biggest part is the HT and quench.
While wrapped is traditional, I have seen them with Micarta, G-10, Tex-Tough, blackwood, and paracord handles.
The tsuba can be a basic square, round, oval, or more shapely as per your choice. Making a habaki is also easy if you want plain and simple. I flatten copper pipe and forge it to fit the blade for simple habaki. You can also use copper pipe to make the fuchi and kashira. Sheet copper also works nicely.
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